Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dr. Myasse's Fart Attacks


The World Is The Message.

My Medium Is My Message.

The Media Could Use A Massage.

Another One Is The Other One.

The ATM Is Really An Android.

Mr. Moses Misses His Kisses.

Does It Make You A Redhead If You Listen To The Grateful Dead?

A Night Always Must Turn Into The Day's Light.

You Must Be Congratulated On Winning The 1961 Ivory Soap Bar's Contest.

You've Lost All Hope If You Take Too Much Dope.

God's Time On Earth Is Borrowed From Others.

Time Is Bought Not Stolen.

Tomorrow I Must Pick Up The Crazy Pills From The Doc.

Have Been This Way My Entire Life.

The Doctor Stuck His Brain Up His Ass Or My Brain Up My Ass.

He Might Have Stuck His Brain Up My Ass.

Or Was It My Brain Up His Ass?

About The Crazy Pills I Wouldn't Feed Them To Dogs Or Cats.

That Would Be Cruelty To Animals.

Freud Was Fruity.

No Wonder He Took Too Much Of The Crazy Pills And Wrote His World's Sanity.

All For The Insane.

From Rockland State.

Jonathan Billet Written On June 28, 1961

Friday's Eleven's Seven

"Friday's Eleven's Seven"

Big Hands Bend Small Keys.

Good Thoughts Create Good Minds.

Large Hearts Hold True Love.

This Love Makes The Clouds In The Sky Roll By.

God Created The World's Artwork.

Man Declared War On It.

Pink Grass Gets Smoked In Rap Art.

Desde Deja Mi Cabeza.

I Don't Know What Was Said In My Sleep.

Just Spend My Time Counting Sheep.

I Get In Too Steep.

Not Deep.

How Can You Even Walk Around?

I Don't Know How You Do That.

The Sixty's Sent Seventy Sevens Into Seven Elevens.

Friday Sent Saturday To Hell.

Hate It.

Love Jonathan Billet

Oh My Word

"Oh My Word"

Oh My World Cried My Father's Tear For You.

Live This Past Year For You.

Sing This To You My Dear.

Broken Heart Is Here Again My Friend!

Love That Laughter's Cry Until I Send With My End.

Writing For My Friend With Their Pen.

My Writing’s Worth Less Than Ten Of Yours.

Yes, Our Love's True.

I'm Alone Without We As Two.

Not Deserving Of Your Everlasting Celebration Of Titillation.

You Are A Libation's Intoxicating Creation.

Can't Drink My Pouch's Fill.

Always Getting This Thrill!

Please Post This If You Will.

Love The Guy They Called Bill.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pink Elephants

"Pink Elephants"

Purple Painted Pelicans.

Orange Sea With Yellow Fish In A Dish.

Blue Trees With White Skies And Clouds Of Green.

A Magic Scene From A Black And White Movie Screen.

Mirrored Eyes In Reflected Skies.

The Storm Dies Down.

Now There Is Only Cool Air In Hot July.

Tomorrow's Rain Makes The Pavement Turn Golden Hues.

Sending out Birds Both Lighter Than Water And Heavier Than Air.

I've Got No Hair But Not All Heads Can Be Fair.

Neither Can Life Unless You Have A Spare.

The Pisser Is I Can't Piss Beer, Only Pass Air.

Red Bananas - Orange Apples.

Pants, Shirts, And Shoes Of Red, White, And Blues.

Current Events In The Tabloids' News.

Golden Carriages Bring Kings And Queens To Ivory Palaces.

The Taste Makes Me Nauseated.

Pushing And Pulling On Doors That Never Open For Me.

Set My World Free.

Keep It Company.

With Musical Harmony.

Billet - In June Hotter Than July.

Tahitian Treat

"Tahitian Treat"

Dudet you are an explosion of blue - pink and yellow - greens.

Tasty coconut juice.

You knock the crap out of me and get my sock off.

You're the cathartic release I got in art school in my late teens.

I can only see your world in black and white.

The dark heart turns a lighter shade for you.

My heart throbs and bellyaches break me in two.

You’re a mysterious turquoise of soft, sleepy, skies to me.
Lusty is my love for you.

You make me feel ageless and new.

You are the one in a few.

Love is strength too.

I do only for you.

You are my Guardian Angel.

Always looking after me this eternity of sea.

Hear my plea.

Eternally Yours.

Don't Slam Floors.

Only Your Doors.

Billet - No P.S. Just B.S.

My Cup Of Java Jo's

"My Cup Of Java Jo's"

My Java Jo I Love Your Kisses So!

Here We Come To Take You Away.

It Don't Pay To Stay Another Day.

The Moon Is Half Full And So Is my Cup.

So Fill It Up With Your English Sea Of Tea For Me.

Set My Soul Free.

Your English Kisses Turn My Coffee Into Tea.

Take A Shower Of Kisses With Me.

Turn On My Heart Beats.

Ride On My Floor's Streets.

Let's Do 1,000,000 Miles Per Hour.

I Dig It That You Read My Heart And Not My Thoughts.

Do Musical Heart Beats With Me In Rhyme's Time.

Drink Green Peppermint Tea With Me Tomorrow And All Other Days.

Fill Me With Its Sugared Kisses.

Plug Me Into Your Wall And Turn On Summer Fireflies.

I'm Busy Doing Nothing But Reading Your Kisses All Day.

All The Days In Different Daze Of A New Phrase In It's Own Phase.

You Ground Me To My Street’s Floor.

I Idolize And Adore.

Love Your Letter.

Save It In My Drawers.


Jon Billet's Final Word

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Parakeet Voice

"Parakeet Voice"

Busy catching a star in the town center in a snow's dream.

Giant redwood trees grow on Mars.

Taffy comes from the barrels of guns.

Hang around the orange juice bars.

Don't have to travel far from my assisted living room.

I suck out air inside a giant basketball.

You steal my raspberry smoothies from me.

We are all delegates from the Green People's Party.

I roasted Republican rednecks.

Doing my time with the sanitation crew.

Always listen to Rap N' Soul on my I-Pod.

Watch colors fly by in the western sky.

Went to Taos, New Mexico in a taxicab.

Fran San Cisco is so hilly that its bouncing cars' flying hubcaps may be hazardous to your health.

Streets are lined with gold and buildings are made of melted silver.

Platinum is 'Made In Zion Town.'

Discovered the cup cake shoppes, confectionary establishments, and ice cream factories of Auckland.

My Doctor used to visit me there.

Tinkerbell - Never grow up just glow up!

Billet Jon a.k.a. Donald Richard Weberman 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cosmic Giggle

"Cosmic Giggle"

We are all chuckleheads and ding-a-lings they shouted.
Love you with those taste buds.
You are my taste buddies.

You are a part of me.

Life's tree.
Like an endless sea of mirth.
Life of birth.
Loving earth.
Beautiful skies under loving eyes.
Love never dies.

It flies to endless highs.
Quotes Shakespeare.
Heard the music's instrument played by ear.
We break out in a laughter's tear.
Haven't fear for what isn't anywhere near.
Can't even hear.

You are the seer.

Every day is a New Year.
We are renewed.
Life is spit out, bitten, and chewed.
Like gum.
It is a tasty sum.
As harsh and intoxicating as a bottle of rum.
Costs money.
It isn't funny.
Not Very Sunny.
But Always Punny.
Yes - Dudet?

Love Billet 9:43 A.M. June 29, 1919

Wondering Wandering Beautiful Thoughts


Wondering While Wandering Through Miles In Aisles Of Thought I Caught.

Thank You For Hating Me In This Most Delightful Of Ways.

The World's Worse Than You Are Or Ever Could Be.

Worse Than All Of It's People Put Together And Rolled Into One.

Bad Weather.

In A Turner Painting Rowing A Boat In Rough Seas.

I'm Still Growing Through The 60's Fear.

I'm The Music Coming Out Of WCBS-FM Into An Ear.

I'm The Voices I Hear In Living Color On My TV.

In Some Series I Watch On TV's Movie Screen.

Really, What Do We Remember 25 Years Ago?

In Last Night's Dream?

Throw Up My Brains On A Piece Of Writing Paper.

Saw Your Artist Wear Your Pants Inside-Out.

You Wore My Extra Pair Of Socks Lost In The Wash.

I'm Getting Bored And Will Go To Spain In My Suitcase.

Carpe Diem My Friend.

Your Buddy - Jonathan Billet

Sunday, June 19, 2011


"Untitled Poem"

No sounds were heard, not even chirping birds.
Not heaven's spoken words.
He sees things - but who doesn't?

The roaring of the ocean is silent and He strains to listen.
He doesn't even listen.

Drunker then hell and stoned sober at the same time.
If it wasn't for The Mother's Father - Life would not know Him.

He believes colors have their own sounds.
And the colors are music to his ears.

He's out in the cold - teeth chattering and face turning blue.
To Him the robin is red.
Leaves are purple.
The soil is blue.

And buildings are a different hue in his view.
The sky is in black and white like the television in the sites.
Up, up, and away are his flights with many colors' lights.

To Him the blood he feels through His veins is all in other brains.
It is as grey as this cloudy day.

He loves to be held.
Laughs when He is.

To Him life is a dream He can't understand.
His wish is my demand!
He's really not interested in such matters.

He loves the world unlike many of his brothers and sisters.
This child of mine is happy that He can eat.
Satisfied to stay cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold.

God loves you my beautiful one!

Billet - dedicated to a most loved one.
Sunday - June 19th.

A Thinking Man's Dream




Television Psychosis In San Francisco

"Television Psychosis In San Francisco"

Law and Order Cops shows that the TV Doctors try to make healthy.
The Chefs scream and feed everybody.
Judges mediate skillfully.
Reality's soap opera stars.

Juxtaposed adult education.
Pollution, Radiation, War, and Starvation have nothing to do with these "Reality's Shows."

The children spend half their lives in front of their computer and the other half watching "Cartoon's T.V."
(The modern parent's wiz kids!)
The Buffalo locked in his pen at The Golden Gate's Park is living his own reality show.
He's happily looking dumbly into space.
He don't care.
He's well fed and has no worries.

From The Lost Lomax On Lombard.

-Anonymous Bosch

Jonathan Billet aka N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. N.O.B.O.D.Y.

Pingpong on Jupiter

"Pingpong On Jupiter"

Elvis Once Did A Cover For Dylan Or Something Like That.
I Watched It On Television 60's.

Thou Art On Venus As Thou Art In Dirt.

I'm Just A Blind Turkey's Caboose On A Fire Truck.

Attended The London School Of Mortuary Sciences From 1911-1913.
Dug Dead People.
Still Digging.

I Was Circumcised Until Lobotomized.

I Am Just A Muppet's Puppet Named Kermit.
Col. Kermit.

Had An Affair With The Nanny.

Stop All The Singing And Flying.
A Song I Wrote In Nursery School And Never Finished Or Recorded.
Simply Called The Nursery School Blues.

Living Your Views Shot On The Morning News.
Done By My Pet Dinosaur Rex For The Sex Of It!
Really A Hit.

Can We Meet To Step On The Feet To A Different Beat?

I Got Written Up In The New York Time's Op-Ed Page Also In Who Was Who.
Saw Myself On The Late Show.
I Am A Lead Guitarist.
I Worked With Wes Farrell.

I Play A Good Game Of Shot Put.

Love Driving The Family Ford.
A T-Bird I Borrow.

Write In Song.

Am Sexually Impotent.
Don't Have A Friend In The World But Rex And He Can't Hear Well.

Fell Through The Floor And Hit The Ceiling.
I'm Sorry If I Upset You.

The Mind Like A Fine Wine Has To Be Fermented.

Jonathan Billet or Edgar Allen Poe.

Revision of Division

"Revision Of Division"

A hyphen located in the middle of the colon is a sandwich called the division sign in math.
At least that's what they used to call it before books became "the talkies."
Black and white TV’s became living colors.

Glimpses remind me of my place in your mind's space.
Funny shadows pop up on the walls at Starbucks.
God never fell from grace.

The hungry eat from Andy Campbell's soup cans.
The rats eat the leftovers.

Sightless people never see anything.
Just hear the noisy thoughts, and smell the taste of fine cuisine cooking.

The mentally ill and autistic citizens experience the same thing.
Use their minds' dream thoughts in expression.
Artists do this too.

My comedy of muses' dybbuks are always wearing black shades.
To see more clearly.
In the dark daylight.

J.B. Billet's

Poetic Substance


Life comes and flows.
Nobody knows if it's cumming or going.
It can be received by the hose in your pants.

To live is to be loved in France.
Love is a courageous stance.
A beautiful dance!

Idiotic schemes make lovely themes.
An artistic dream in a reflection's sunbeam.
Tunes heard only on Jupiter's moons.

Celebrations begin with multi-colored balloons.
Noon's the 12:00 high.
Passing you by in a moonlit sky.

Love you - Jonathan Billet

Not Present

"Not Present"

Yesterday And Tomorrow Were Missing And Found In The Lost And Found.
Floated On A Peppermint Life Saver In The Ocean.

Drowned In A Cup Of Coffee.

Climbed Down A Piece Of Sewing Thread From A Tree To The Blue Skies Below.

Buddha Picked Me Up In A Cab In San Francisco.

Galileo Road On A Darwinian Tortoise's Back In The Galapagos Islands And Saw Stars Shooting.

I Saw The Mountains Of A Desert In My Dream While It Was Snowing.

Peace Was Declared.

Made Love To You.

Jonathan Billet

Ace's Axes

"Ace's Axes"

I'm sweating in my apartment's summer 5:00 morning - hot heat.

The sun bakes the street and vapors of condensation rise from the moving air's slow twisted motion.

The animals come out of the hell's sewers to the cooler space's place outdoors.

Some hunters using butterfly nets try to capture new ideas - undiscovered - only to get the insignificant already used ones.

They are no good.

They've already been used and using them again could be done but that's not original!

Maybe if it was a secret's accident.

But a creation never repeats exactly on purpose so we suppose it's O.K.

That's a thought I'm sure has been captured and will be again.

Why try?

But Leonardo thought it was possible to fly.

The Vatican has just declared it's O.K. for the world to be round.

A Spinning Circle?


A thing worth starving and dying for?

Possibly Preaches Pappy.

Grandpa Munster always smoking his cigar.

"Throw the Cookies in the Cookie Jar!"

Exclaims the Clown of the Town.

"It Might Work!"

But Does It Ever?!?!?!!!!

I Am The Village Punk - Always In A Funk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What Goes Op Must Stay Art

"What Goes Down Must Come Up"

When good things happen to bad people?
When a garbage collector is canned for throwing the garbage out?
Uncanny Man!!!
When nothing happens to no one?...
When something happens for everyone?
When good happens for bad or bad for good?

First case scenario:
Elvis picks up the alto sax.
When Harpo learns to play a Fender Stratocaster Guitar.
When the poets turn back into beatniks.
The hippies turn into straight necks.
Mirthful Pranksters to Sad Gangsters.
These are called The Merry Gangsters.

When Bach has his last days.
When Edgar Allen Pooh became famous in his lifetime.
When Oscar Wilde was exonerated.
When Mick Jagger had his grandchild.
When Ashbury was Cashbury.
When The Village turned into SoHo.
When the east side turned into the west side.
When downtown went uptown and upside down.
When an upside down cake turned right side up.

When muses turned to dybbuks.
When the world's insanity found its rightful sanity.
When psychotics were correctly diagnosed.
When urine was declared the salt of the earth.

When one feels free to cop a plea.
When thou art me.
When what is to be is not to be.
When the sightless can see.
When all of you are me.
When prisoners are free to be without their lock and key.
When a King is yet to be.
Seen or Not Seen?

That is a Question."
"Is it wrong to be righteous in self righteousness?"
Right to be pious Pope, President, or Personal Secretary?

By Jonathan Billet alias Foo-foo the First 
Our Time Will Come!

A Poem of God's Good Earth

"Made Of God's Soil"

"GOD IS BED." - A thought for your dreams!
Finder's Sleepers - Losers' Weepers.
Life is a beautiful waste of our time.
You are always your most expensive customer.
Remembered to forget everything but what I was supposed to remember.
I am the Grateful Lead's Head.
Who in hell do you think we r? 
Stupid Stars?
How wrong u' r's!
We Never Arrive Alive.
I'm so sorry I use my personal throne like the toilets' seats.
I knew a rich Hobo who played an Oboe.
You play with my flute.
A productive penis pumps poetry powerfully at the princely party.
Sense The Nonsense?

Billet's on A Hot Holiday.

Sitting Shiva In My Pants


I am sitting in my pants.
The sun goes down so it can come back up.
It rains so it can be sunny.
We get depressed so we can enjoy our happiness.
Flowers die so they can grow.
People die to be born again.
People are wounded so they can be loved.
Life heals like a doctor.
Time speaks in many different languages.
Plays different tunes.
Dances many dances.
Love and life grow and show.
Start and stop.
Life is a silly gas.
The Horse's Ass.

By Jonathan Billet On A Beautiful Spring's Day In  - 20/11

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Writings To A Robin

“Writings to a Robin”

I lose a day every day.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.
Yesterday was the last day.
Tomorrow I will live again.
Yesterday I was dead.

Always leaving and never arriving.
Is life accidental or on purpose?
Maybe a part of some future plan in the past.
I never seem to remember.

What day was it yesterday?
Tomorrow was?
Did yesterday really happen?
Life never happens like we expect.
Did tomorrow pass without yesterday?

Tell the Wizard he’s three days late for school already.
Was the time too late for today?
Did you drink enough coffee?

On a refracted day in May that was reflected by the light’s thought.

- J.B. Billet’s – May 31, 2011

New Chinese Poem

"Chinese Green Tea"

Did I ever tell you the recipe for Chinese Green Tea? Green Cheese that China
takes from the moon and exports to America is squeezed in a giant orange juice
squeezer until it turns into refined green liquid. Then it is freeze dried in vats.
The next step is mass production of new tea leaves. Dumping this into bags called
simply - "Lipton's Green Tea."

By Jonathan Billet's

Random Thoughts By Rote- It Don't Pay To Go Broke

“To God at Hope House"

The air comes from the skies and flows through my nose.
Had a thought for breakfast, a friend for a cup of coffee, and my true love for dinner.
Arrived late at night to go to my appointment with Dr. Freud.
Guatama is my Hindu Buddha.
Mothers, please give the world your children's pacifiers.

Back to the breakfast thought.
It hit me so hard it blew my mind and I was high for the rest of tomorrow.
Give a penny and get a dime.

Think a small thought and get giant one.

My neighbors hear the small talk with big ears.
Talk it with big mouths.
See things that don't exist with their own eyes.

Some jerk stores the universe’s thoughts in his computer.
An artist tries to express them with an instrument's song.
A painting's color.
In a writer's words.

Please don't be a farty come join the Birthday's Party!
I hear the noise pollution filling the air with its garbage.
To think you have to fight.

Elvis killed all the people on T.V. by shooting his screen with a gun.

T.V. on every afternoon.
The unwritten play for every poet's day.

Thoughts are in the air. 

Sometimes some pretty funny ones come to me.

Flushed my computer down the toilet.
Listened to a cell phone's psycho babble on the bus.
Outside I watch the beautiful flowers make me grow. 

Their fragrance turns me on like Lorca song.

I ate octopus for dinner.
Eat good thoughts to fill my tummy.
Food for thought.

Feel like sticking my toilet plunger up idiot's ass.
Takes his asshole shades off once a year to see his colors.
Got thrown in jail for stealing my shoes.
Rich people shouldn't ride on glass horses.

I deal in small nickels and dimes.
Small change.
Don't buy your time or sell it - seize it!

- Love A Friend Named Billet's -

Love - Revised for Your Eyes' Mind

“Love - Revised for Your Eyes’ Mind”

I want all of you.
You give so much love.

Thank you God for letting me arrive on time.

All day in its own way.
Turns me on every day.

My world is amazingly lazy.
A kind of Bizarre's Stand in a poet's dream during slow motion's déjà vu.

You have the keys to my heart's doors.
I believe in the unbelievable.
I'm a dumb day for you.

Our love's sweet music is subjective in some object's case.
Your kisses make my heart skip beats.
Busy stealing them from you.
Emotion is an expressive locomotion.

I get your kisses every day.
I'll leave all your treasured love in my will.
I'll pick up the bills for you.
If you go blind, I'll give you eyes to see with.

You’re like a holy donut swimming with me in our morning's coffee.
You make me dream with the living and sleep in death's tomb.

You’re my life's story.

End - Edgar Allen Pooh alias Col. Corn Flakes
alias J.D. Billet


"The Woman of My Dreams"

Met Her At A Coffee Shop.
Let me tell you about my love.
She's got a chipped tooth and a flat chest.
A beautifully ugly face and flaunts her secrets.
Knows what clothes to wear and could buy me mine.

I'd love to give her a big smile and ask her out out for a meal.
I told her I adore the ground she walks on.
Idolize her ignorance and would like to share mine with her.
Makes me feel like struggling for her.

I'm in love with her.
Knows how to turn hell into heaven.
I'd write to and about her.
To me are our own children.
She takes my breath away.
Leaves me lonely.
Loves herself and her world behind dark glasses.
Takes them off and gives me a beautiful smile.
Has more love then I ever could.
She makes me jealous of her.
I want to share and love life together with the outside world.
Share our secrets too.

All the crushes I've ever had rolled into one.
Want to spend some time with her.
My time - Her Time.

Love This Woman.
Want Her.
Need Her.
I'm Living For Her.

-J.B. Billet-