Sunday, November 25, 2012

Press Release

Gus Hall And Us All Had Contacts Within The Cuban Army

Through The C.I.A.  Russian Mobster Terrorists Were Being

Tracked By U.S. Homeland Security.  The Culinary Institute

Of The Arts In Valencia, California Was Controlled By The

Governor Of California At The Time.  Hall And The Army Had

Possession Of All The Intelligence.  This Is Not To Say The

Premier Was Ignorant Of These Facts.  The Truth Hurt And

The Embargo Was Going To Be Lifted Anyway.

Press Release

After Sunlight

"After Sunlight"

You used to feed my happy heart with beautiful song.

Everything is now broken down and tragically wrong.

I can't live if you should choose to leave me.

My eyes would refuse to see the season's skies.

Highs would turn into melancholy blues' lows.

Deadly blows.

Summer suns' hells would change to winters' frozen wells.

Your love is like wondrous temperamental spring and fall.

You make love everything and all.

Your love will last as long as I can remember.

By Jonathan Billet
Night 11/23/12

Drag II

“Drag II”

A bright light blinds all sight.

War is a sore where I saw my Uncle die in a dream's roar's snore.

Played chess in nursery school.

One heart beats the same way ten do.

The human race will disappear without a trace.

You're like a broken harp string or a bee that has no sting.

City Hall will fall like me.

Climb your wall.

Time will never stall.

Despite it all.

By Jon Billet -
Welcome Home Jake

Skipping Shadows

"Skipping Shadows"

Galaxy tripping.

Candles dripping.

Water sipping.

Waitress tipping.

Paper ripping.

Flipping and skipping.

Shadows caught in daylight.

Soldiers fight with all their might.

Men are blind and God has lost height.

If you were looking down, you'd lose your sight.

Day would turn into night.

Everybody thinks they're right.

Fate deals hate.

Life charges to high a rate.

The human trait.

A parking ticket.

Take a stamp and lick it.

Eat a grape pit.

Catch a ball in your baseball mitt.

Just think and sit.

My suit doesn't fit.

Want a cup of tea?

Love from me to you.

Together we are like epoxy glue.

I'm the boy they call Sue.

By Jonathan Billet

Your World

"Your World" - Dedicated to F. Sinatra

Worship air.

Worship space.

Worship water.

Ask for a society of law and disorder.

Is life to short?

Too long?

Like a sea song?

Is life right?

Is it wrong?

Did it start before it was gone?

End before it started?

Print today on paper.

Birds sing aongs.

Despite life's wrongs.

Through time, we will race through the universe.

To another planet.

Where you will stay.

I will leave.

Through all storm.

Just to stay warm.

Another time, another place.

Just an old-fashioned car chase in the human race ran by days.

Me after you.

You after me.


I love you-

And only you.

Something stolen.

Something new.

In Tahiti, an artist lived and died in dried oil paint.

To live such a fate is rare.

Give me air.

The moon, stars, and sun above.

By Jonathan Billet 11/19/12

Tuesday, November 20, 2012



To Me, U R The Mythological Goddess Apollo.

The Soul People Watch U Perform With Ur Spirituality.

They Know U R An Electric Soul Sister Named Dudette.

Every Soul Man Loves His Dudette.

I Am 1 Of Many Such Men.

Only U Can Absolve Me Of My Sins.

Are They Forgiven And Forgotten?

U Kill Me With Ur Love!

By Jonathan Billet 11/17/12

Fading Away With My Words

"Fading Away With My Words"

I am awoken.

Are you tired or am I wired?

Hired or fired?

First or last?

Fast or slow?

Can u tell?

Did you know?

Stop the stall.

Start the show.

As long as the snow can flow.

It will let out a jolly glow.

Let it show.

Blow out the candles.

Hang onto your bicycle handles.

The fire hoses don't work.

Cause the Standells stole my sandals.

Is it night's daylight?

Or isn't anything right?

Wrong or left?

Like a dying man's sealed fate?

A Platters song?

Your namesake, Andy Plate?

Where r u skippin' off to now?

Probably some foreign galaxy.

Chanting a Hare Krishna song.

Muttering oaths under your tongue.

Sitting near a street light under a setting sun.

Max plays the organ all night.

Washington smoked cherry pipe tobacco.

Painted the face and beard.

Mighty weird.

A squirrel smoked roasted nuts.

Through a hookah pipe.

The hippies went to Woodstock.

Then they went to the S.H.S.

Listening to Little Queenie music.

In a mystical stupor.

By Jonathan Billet

Hair Between The Air

"Hair Between The Air"

Molecules For Follicles.

God Never Repeats.

Psychological Bombs Aren't Good.

No Need To Worry.

No Hurry!

Let The Day Last Into The Night.

I'm Waiting For The Mentalist To Blow Up The Television Set.

The End Of Another Episode Of Mine.

By Jonathan Billet 11/13/12

The Old Town's Square

"The Old Town's Square"

John Michael and Tommy, the two brothers, were to be hung in the town's square, by their feet.

The younger brother and the eldest brother.

A born again Christian - and a born again Jew.

Something old and something new.

There were a few of these two.

One hid under the bed.

The other one looked under the bed for hidden ghouls and Jews.

Talk news on a clock radio's point of view.

Barack won and the hurricane's done.

Moderate confusion - utter despair.

Say hurrah for lower - middle class America.

There's a victory in the air.

Los rumores de mi muerte presiente Fidel estan vivido.

If you really swear, hope to live and pray to pie.

I am demonically controlled, so the story is told.

Jewish baby, why do you let the Haitians stay -

as the poorest country in the hemisphere?

They one of the few nations that welcomed Jewish people

that were fleeing Hitler.

How can the world allow a German town to outlaw

circumcisions for Jewish babies, when that was the

first step towards Nazism?

Go talk to the Dutch West Indies Company.

Viva Haiti!

By J. Billet's

Friday, November 9, 2012



Whoever do dat to me ain't dat fair.

The tube-box is still blown.

I can't cut no rhyme bout' Nothin'.

In Cyberspace, there ain't no race in da space for the place.

Dey got no dace for it anyways.

They got a generator hooked up to the sink with a foldable rusted tool that acts like a heart.

Spinning revolutionary jungle virus.

Fungus on the brain.

Fuxin' insane.

Fucked in a Faulkner Airplane.

What Were Those Words You Said?




love little juanita

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More Writing

"More Writing"

Let the tears fall where they may from the heavens.

God laughs when it's time to cry.

Not God's business or fault.

How can God listen to something that can't be heard?

Listen to something that's not spoken.

Read something that was never wrote?

How in Bob's name can something break, that's already been broken?

Talked about that has already been spoken?

How can something be killed that's already dead.

Go ask a survivor of the human race.

These questions are only meant for God's answers and knowledge.

In a universe of kindergartens’ colleges.

Make no mistake about it.

It's no mistake.

Only some misplaced accident.

R.S.V.P. - Look At Mankind With His Head Stuck In The Sand.

By Jonathan Billet November 5, 2012



Did You Go To A Party? 
I Did.
Starbucks Was Closed Because Of The Hurricane.
There Were Only Witches, Warlocks, Ghouls, Ghosts And One Werewolf Named Clyde.
A Brother Of Nicky's Who's An Old Family Friend Of Mine.
Frank Stein, The Rabbi's Son, Attended.
The Count And His Band Were There.
The Bats Were In The Belfry.
Wolf bane Made The Floor Slippery.
There Was A Big Black Cat Named Samantha Stone.
Named After Its Master, Miss Deviltry.
Cobwebs Were Everywhere And We Sat Down In A Square.
Pulled Out A Devil's Board And Began To Curse An Unholy Chant.
Plucked The Feathers Out Of A Goose.
Then We Ate And Fornicated Behind The Coffee Bar.
Threw The Whole Mess Up.

By Jonathan Billet 11/01/12
Day After Hurricane Sandy Hit N.Y.C.

Desert's Hand

"Desert's Hand"

A desert without any sand.

22 fingers without a hand.

A world without any land.

Cigars without any tobacco.

Railroad tracks without any steel.

A frame without a painting.

A television without a picture.

A rain without any sky.

People that never cry.

Relatives that never die.

Love that never flies.

An empty Campbell's soup can.

A poisoned Superman.

A James Earl Ray fan.

A radiator that gives no heat.

A toilet without a seat.

Clapper's feet.

A Bubblegum Rapper's beat.

Playing in the street.

Animals beating their meat.

Times to eat.

By Jonathan Billet

Bubble Gum Rapping With Linda At Starbocks

"Bubble Gum Rapping With Linda At Starbocks"

I was sitting across from a cute blond at Starbocks. 
Told her I hated getting up in the dark morning on winter days. 
We both agreed that winter was a bad time of the year because it got darker earlier at night, and the sun didn't come out until later in the morning, making it harder to rise from bed.
I told her that spring and fall were my two best seasons.  She told me spring was her best.
I got up for my second cup of iced green tea and sat back down with her.  I told her my name was Jon and gave her one of my cards.  Told her I liked writing poetry.  Linda responded that she looked forward to reading some of my poetry, and introduced herself by shaking my hand.  She went to talk to somebody, and left.
I went for a third cup of ice tea.  Chriss, my Starbock's barista, told me to go out and do a rain dance for the inclement condition.  I walked outside and performed a sun dance.
I told the guy at Starbocks that I knew that he and the people who work there have been swiping my cards in the machine and robbing me of all my money.
Some guy came in tonight and said working at Starbocks was out of the question.  The turn over rate was much to high.  Not as high as the turn over rate at the cemeteries, I replied.
So Linda, if you read this, try to reply without any English accent.  I'd be troubled if you wouldn't because I sound like I speak with an accent myself.  

Jon Billet

To Cary

"To Cary"

A universal truth's fruit in a gambler's suit.
Mirrored dream giving off my reflection.
A Catholic girl stuck in this mirror with me.
A green and red plaid miniskirt dress wears itself in this dream.
She tosses a medicine ball to her schoolmates in the mirror.
They stand still in front of Starbucks at 5 A.M. with me.
In one of my dream's fantasies, there was a radiator.
Running every other day like a nose with a cold.
To this dream, I add a moon without a cow jumping over it.
All the other farm animals are passing over.
Elephants, giraffes, and kangaroos jump over.
Even humans give it a try.
I am a lonesome cowboy who doesn't know up from down.
All in this dream, I made up.

By Jonathan Billet 10/18/12

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ping-Pong On Jupiter

"Ping-Pong On Jupiter"

Elvis Once Did A Cover For Dylan Or Something Like That.
I Watched It On Television 60's.

Thou Art On Venus As Thou Art In Dirt.

I'm Just A Blind Turkey's Caboose On A Fire Truck.

Attended The London School Of Mortuary Sciences From 1911-1913.
Dug Dead People.
Still Digging.

I Was Circumcised Until Lobotomized.

I Am Just A Muppet's Puppet Named Kermit.
Col. Kermit.

Had An Affair With The Nanny.

Stop All The Singing And Flying.
A Song I Wrote In Nursery School And Never Finished Or Recorded.
Simply Called The Nursery School Blues.

Living Your Views Shot On The Morning News.
Done By My Pet Dinosaur Rex For The Sex Of It!
Really A Hit.

Can We Meet To Step On The Feet To A Different Beat?

I Got Written Up In The New York Time's Op-Ed Page.  Also, In Who Was Who.
Saw Myself On The Late Show.
I Am A Lead Guitarist.
I Worked With Wes Farrell.

I Play A Good Game Of Shot Put.

Love Driving The Family Ford.
A T-Bird I Borrow.

Write In Song.

Am Sexually Impotent.
Don't Have A Friend In The World But Rex, And He Can't Hear Well.

Fell Through The Floor And Hit The Ceiling.
I'm Sorry If I Upset You.

The Mind Like A Fine Wine Has To Be Fermented.

Jonathan Billet or Edgar Allen Poe.