Saturday, December 28, 2013

For My Love

"To My Love"

My love, to me, you are the sweetest song ever sung.

Heaven's most delicious nectar ever imbibed by the Gods.

A rare culinary treat tasted by starving taste buds.

All the finest art work created by man.

A gift only God could make with a loving hand.

A strongest pull on all the planets.

The deepest of green seas.

The tallest Himalayan mountaintop.

All riches that men can buy.

The abyss' inferno of tears in  all the suns' universes.

A freezing glacier at the north pole.

My very soul.

The most mysterious black hole.

God's creation.

My adoration knows no limitation.

Infatuation is all I feel for you in this endless love.

It was sent by time's empty outer space from above.

By Jonathan Billet
12/28/13 To A. Dudette       

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Post This Please

"Post This Please"


By Jonathan Billet alias THE WIZ KID 12.26.13.       



Black is white and white is black.

Black and white is white and black.

White against black and black against white.

Blue is gray and gray is blue.

Blue and gray is gray and blue.

Grey against blue and blue against grey.                       

She is me and I am her.

She and me and me and she.

She against me and me against her.

Man is nature and nature is man.

Man and nature is and nature and man.

Man against nature and nature against man.

Jon is me and I am Jon.

Me and Jon is Jon and me.

Me against Jon and Jon against me.

Forward is backward and backward is forward.

Backward and forward is forward and backward.

Forward against backward and backward against forward.

A circular square is not a square circle.

Hate is the love and lost love is the Haight.

By Jonathan Billet

Spilling Out Old Milk

"Spilling Out Old Milk"

Plain yogurt condensation of evaporation in refrigeration.

Constellation of stars moving at a snail's pace.

The cookie jars full of ice-cream bars next to the T.V. stars melting on mars.

The human race is burning out as stars or women's cigarette butts do.

Burnt wood smokes.

Fireplaces full of soot.

Put the right sock on the wrong foot.

Singing an old Kentucky song.

Spitting out cherry pits at Finnegan's goat.

Seeking passage on a brand new boat.

As long as it can float in a tub of gin.

All in a pin underneath a zebra's skin.

Welcome to the 12 cities of sin.

Memphis is not included and neither is Thebes.

Egypt fried to roll and rock after it cried and died.

Mired with fired flames.

By Jonathan Billet
Christmas Day 2013       

Friday, December 20, 2013

Heaven's Boardwalks

Heaven's Boardwalks"

The Chief told me there were heavens on the boardwalks.          

Didn't give that secret information out to anybody else.

In this territory's universe of cloudy white skies.

Is it a dream I had on a dark, mysterious, mischievous, night?

Or was he pulling my leg to make me give it all up?

I'd rather not share my secret's tonight.

But I can tell you they make me feel like sharing the love I once had.

All in a strange city.

Strolling in the past of December last.

By Jon Billet 12/19/13       

Hand For The Big Applesauce's Bars' Hangovers

"Hand For The Big Applesauce's Bars' Hangovers"

Applause for the apple's sauce.

It might sound like guitars.

But it's actually me throwing up at the bars.

I feel like I'm so drunk that I'm floating on Mars.

It's barhopping for Christmas as one of Santa's elves.

The liquor is stored on the establishment's shelves.

For all to inhabit on a bar stool while imbibing seven elevens.

Tom Collins is his name.

He thinks he's very drunk but he knows not.

It shows up in his pale face an awful lot.

But his gut is shot and he'd rather be smoking pot.

Maybe some day they will have pot bars.

Take as much crap as you want but don't give any away.

So they say!

But it always costs to pay.

It's like a pun's play on the words.

Herds and herds of hummingbirds.

Such a delight can only be seen on a big screen.

It's all a part of the scene in a lark.

Like Mr. Clark Kent's cigarettes are.

Found in a timeless star.

On a bar stool in the bar.

Have you been that far in your favorite cookie jar?

Drink and be jolly.

For this is no folly.

By The Guy Known Ollie.
Also Alias Jon Billet 12.21.13...       

Different Persons

                                                                       "Different Persons"

Santa Claus is different people, but so was Marlon Brando.
I'm all the people I've ever met.
So is a divine being.
Alex and Steve are two divine beings I've met in my past's future.
Who are you to me?
A brother or sister?
An animal that I met or ate?
A bug that I killed?
My guilty conscience?
A building I visited.
Like the local pen?
Or was that the state pencil?
I'm so unsure of  myself and the world - that much I'm sure of!
I sure am full of it!
Are you sure of it yourself?
Don't be so sure of it!

By Jonathan Billet 12/18/13

Monday, December 16, 2013

Your Hair




TO A. DUDETTE       

KU TOO voodoo

read any old hoot
love you always forever 
and that is now in

by jon       

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Jelly Farms

"Jelly Farms"

The Crickets croak on jelly farms.

A frog tells an unusual joke in the fog near a bog on a blog.

As I choke on my smoke.

In Wells Fargo's Bar.

Is this a moon's star night sunlight?

Sir, are you from the Federal Bureau Of Intoxication?

In a recently formed nation?

A flask of vodka never lasts long.

So jump on top of the moon and sing me a song.

Of course, that's par for the course.

So get up off your little Palomino horse.

Don't dream while reading a book with a chef's hat on.

Who is the cook?

Somebody I mistook for a schnook?

By Jonathan Billet 12/13/13       

Used Lot In Tuscon Arizonia

"Used Lot In Tucson Arizonia"

I'm in Tucson, Aridzona, and the year is 1968.  In
the hot desert sun the dry air is blowing the twelve
dozen American flags and the balloons with colored 
banners, rippling gently in the wind, in unison. 
Prices are painted in white on the windshields. The 
autos make a colorful collage as a spectacle that
any passers by can see. The lot is full of antiquated  
machines waiting to be purchased.  They are as obsolete
as the world of people who want to buy them.  It's
45 years later and nothing in the world has changed.
Still a mystery to itself, part of a great hoax
perpetrated by some used car dealer.

By J. Billet's 12.12.13.       



I have some ideas and ideals to which I can aspire.

There can be no compromise with mediocrity.

You know you're popular when the trees outside your property are bugged.

Never delete the elite.

Remember to always recall what they did for a livelihood.

Stay humble in your house of the minds.

Try not to get angry with your anger.

Your cause will live forever as you will Mr. Mandela.

You are a brother to yourself.

Today is a day of joy and pride for the world.

We will live on in your heart my true friend.

Nothing speaks louder than the dead man's dreams.

Yet, to this day those dreams will survive the world.

By a P.B.S. broadcast.
On 12/10/13

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



About a week ago, I was very stressed on the way back from school on the bus.   I hypnotized myself to take a breather.  I became unaware that I was on the bus, that it had any passengers, and even that we were in motion.  I was just concentrating, with all my brainpower, on the rhythmic sound the motor made as it hummed on, increasing and decreasing in power.  I went into a very deep sleep, unaware of where I was, imagining in my mind that I was at the depot, where the bus took off.  Suddenly, I felt pressure against my fingers, realizing I was home, and that a woman's back had been pressed against my fingers.  I thanked the woman for waking me.  The hour-long trip seemed to have taken five minutes.  I got off the bus at my stop and went to my apartment in a trance.
  A few nights later, I was watching my T.V. with a blue screen and R@B music playing.  As I was relaxing, my clock radio automatically went off and I heard very light classical music in the background.  This music put me in a waking stage of hypnosis.  I fell asleep half awake with the music on.  A few hours later, I woke up with the music coming from the television and radio combined, sitting in my chair, in a trance.
I realized these two hypnotic experiences bore a strange resemblance and formed a symphonic ally syncopated poem in my mind.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Drunk Skunk

                                                        "Drunk Skunk"

I'm lying in a park bench in the past.
Inebriated and half dead on booze.
I'd be better off instead, dreaming this at home, in bed.
Is this really in my head?
I sleep drunk and smell like an angry skunk, which stunk.
I can feel the weight of the world.
A ton of steel on top crushing me.
But that won't hurt me in a dream.
If the dream is real.
I feel like shouting a scream in this dream.
It's as frigid as dry ice and hotter than a molten lava stream.
No songs to play.
This and every day.
The dream is not here to stay.
But life will not pay.
But cost to age.
Said the fool in the cage.
In reality an enlightened sage.
Who is in the author's written page.
All the rage in a television's stage.

By Jonathan Billet - 12.05.13.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Consistency Of Cosmic Jello

"The Consistency Of Cosmic Jello"

Thanks a thousand gallons of jello for all your favors.

Now I'm on top of Venus feasting on the jello.

Jokers talking about a poor fellow who's full of a billion tons of jello.

Tell them all to go to hello.

Hello is not yellow but a fiery red.

Hope I don't go there when I'm dead.

Better done than said.

My mind is traveling beyond the speed of light's rays throughout the universe.

My thoughts are time travelers.

If mars is red to a fly, than the universe is already dead.

All in a consistency of jello.

I'm really not anything but a mellow fellow.

By Jon Billet 12/03/13
Or Dead Mr. Ed       

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgivin' At Grandma's Place

"Thanksgivin' At Grandma's Place"

So how's the ham and yam workin' out at Grama's Place?

Not to get yammed or damn spam on your turkey's computer.

My rabbi even got it.

That's no yam!

It's not that I am not a ham.

The broadcasts were all about Hanukkah songs.

This year, rarely done, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving were the same day.

You forgot your brisket.

Which you must admit is better than the dog biscuit Grammy feeds to her dog!

Her cat is lucky that she sticks to kosher cat yummy.

Yummy, yummy, in her tummy.

So Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

By and Happy Turkey - Jonathan Billet
On Hanukkah - 2013