"Who'd You Say You Were?"
Dreamed I was in bed and screamed.
Thought I was in a barber's chair imbibing.
Fell through the floor to the earth below.
To Daily Square in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
It was pouring rain and the top of the President's Limo was down.
The roof was bulletproof and the shots misfired.
Stone Cellar's Merlot.
Don't even know if it's Mano, Mano, Manochevitz.
Snoop ears droop.
Snooze smells the blues from too much booze.
Fish after a birthday wish.
Nonsense's cosequence's incidences.
Dirty wordy.
Somewhere in my past-present I hung around a Purchase student.
An actor named Bud and his buddy Nick.
He had an apt. and I used to go there at 5:00 A.M.
My late nights with the Zerox machine at I.B.M. in Purchase.
We used to hang around the Candlelight Bar.
The three of us used to watch The Honey Mooners.
Late night at Bud's apartment.
I want more colllege!
Bud was studying acting at Purchase University in 78'.
Fourteen dollars for a hamburger!...
They even got automatic elevator operators.
Cross them and you're out on the roof!i!i!i!.
By Jonathan Billet