Monday, May 27, 2013

Time's Table

 "Time's Table"

Poetry is to see or not to see.
To be a free!
Or never more to be me.
Who is she?
Where does she live?
Will she forgive me?
I will forgive her.
I'll paddle a canoe up or down a river.
Depending on which way the current's flowing.
It's always growing but never showing.
Usually knowing.
Unless it's too furious.
By then it's glorious.
Like fireworks on the 4th of July.
It always passes by like old auld lang syne.
"What comes by goes by.
What's to transpire will start a fire.
What's past went too fast.
The future has already happened on a planet light years in the past.
So come about with that mast.
Captain Corn Flakes!

By Jonathan Billet

A Wire's Liars

"A Wire's Liars"

Candy stars and old fruit jars.
Chocolate bars and a hidden Mars.
Circus fleas eat lemonade trees.
Pue ivory doves and snow white loves.
Orange glass is a sexy ass.
The past is dead.
Present lies ahead.
I've come to see myself at last.
The futures go really fast.
A lunger is a plunger.
Layers are always players.
A woman's desires are a millionare's secret fires.
In deep, cathathartic, sleep, lovers let out  dreams' screams.
Lovers never tire.
Flyers get higher. 
A buyer is a supplier.
A pliar for a barbed wire.

By Jonathan Billet 05/30/13

A Catchy Rhyme

"A Catchy Rhyme"

Electric vacuum cleaners eat floors and close doors.
In San Francisco, when it rains, it pours.
The city's people can hear the distant ocean roars from foreign shores.
The old man in the sea lets out snores.
Cats and dogs walk on all fours.
Loud mouths are really bores.
Rock groups go on tours.
It's darker than night.
A singer is singing without their sight.
Is this a heartless bird's flight?
Perhaps a golden moonlight.
It doesn't see in colors like all the others.
A silver penny, a copper dime.
Does the world have a beat?
A catchy rhyme?
Was that a mime?
Something divine?
Mirth on earth!
Peace on Saturn.
Goodwill to Saturations!
A day's libations.
Peace to all nations.

By Jonathan Billet 05/28/13

Gone With A Wind

"Gone With A Wind"

"Today is off and yesterday has gone -

leaving only tomorrow.!.!..."

Tuesday said to Saturday with despair and disgust!

The other days had no comments.

Days are always busy changing.

So are people.

By Jonathan Billet 05/19/13 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Einstein's Epitaph

"Einstein's Epitaph"

I still survive in apartment #5.

Unlike the rest of the world, trying to stay alive.

Assorted fruits and nuts in the vegetable patch.

What we don't know may hurt us.

Coming down with a cold is not as anything like coming up with a idea.

Had eggs for breakfast, a cough for lunch, and my lover for dinner.

Can't see the difference between a highway and a byway.

Like horizontal and vertical parallel lines, they never intersect.

Never was interested in the circumference of a circle.

Or the right angles of an isosceles triangle.

All 3 are square.

Babies may cry but dogs don't talk.

Babies, like dogs, walk on all fours.

Unlike dogs they suck on pacifiers.

The cat's meow!

People still don't eat dog food.

Doggies and cats eat gourmet pet food anyway.

You don't have to be an genius to write a good line. 

By Jonathan Billet 05/22/13        

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Cooks!

"What Cooks!" 

Why ask me?
Don't you know?
Does it show.
Raining snow.
Shrunken heads and shrunken hearts. 
I forgot.
Dr. Fudd or Dr. Freud?
Who's the head shrink?
Throw the hospital's window out in the hall.
It doesn't belong stuck on anyone's wall.
Wait for a fall to hear a telephone call.
You fool, you have missed your medication's meditation.
Run out the door and see if it is on the floor.
Your minds are running like a liquid medication's stream. 
Or so it appears to seem.
In someone else's dream..
White is sunlight..
Afternoon is bright.
What is wrong is somehow right.

Dedicated to A. Dudette  May 19th 2013
By Jonathan Billet       

An Imagination's Incantation

"An Imagination's Incantation"

The birds burp instead of chirp!

By Jonathan Billet

Global Gas

"Global Gas"

Secret shadows hidden from themselves.

The bright sunlight blocks shadows from spreading their gloomy thoughts in the world.

This is a man made mysterious question to be answered later.

These hidden apparitions hide behind buildings, towns, cities, worlds, memories, and people's thoughts.

Crystal stars make way to the forefront of this picture.

Pins of light show up on my clothes in the dark skies.

Then shooting stars break the jars of crystal stars.

A cosmos' burden of love.

Pillars of salt crossing The Bay's Bridge linked by numbers.

By Jon Billet



New thoughts are waiting to greet you when you're born.

They are out in the universe's air waves on the silver screen.

Most you already knew but you will learn them again.

A few are other people's thoughts.

You will find yourself thinking the same ones.

Over and over, like a broken image.

You sometimes think you have had thought them before.

But they're a part of somebody else's life's deceased deja vu.

A real dream come true.

I had several on my birthdays.

An alien being's mind orgasm.

True sexual liberation.

Good old fashioned realizations developing.

Ecstatic satisfaction!

The old thoughts learn from the new thoughts.

By Jonathan Billet

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Silver Song And White Clouds

"Silver Song And White Clouds"

A tune falls down from the sky into my golden tea cup.

I drink this heavenly prayer.

It sings a psalm that whispers in my ear.

I listen to the divine song all night long.

I can hear it while I sleep and dream.

The rest of the world can hear it too.

The sun filters a ray that wakens us to a new day.

It lives a life of love.

In cumulus clouds scattered about in lazy skies above.

By Jon Billet - 4.8.13

Word's Writing

"Word's Writing"

Excuse my medication's meditation's rehabilitation.

It's part of a premonition's reflection in God's eyes.

Is society fake and made up of phonies?

The world is full of funny jails where ideas and thoughts are warehoused.

It is here where people kill and fight amongst themselves.

Pull the strings and your shoes will be tied for life.

Times are rough enough without pain.

There's enough pain for us in five minutes to last a lifetime.

I wear diapers on my head and crap nickels and dimes.

Flush letters down the mailboxes and send my dirty laundry through the toilets.

I strike a clock like I strike my head against the wall.

The street's pavement, too.

By Jon Billet - 4.30.13

Pushing Schmutz

"Pushing Schmutz"

"Something may be better than nothing, but nothing is better than schmutz."

Jon Billet

Why's God Blue?

"Why's God Blue?"

When you wonder why's heaven cheating and hell robbing you.
What should you do?
Why is God so blue?
And then yellow sun breaks through.
Is it waning or merely feining.
Could it be raining?
Is life old or still new?
Is this why the birds fly to distant shores?
Or was it all made up below a floor in a trap door?
I ask you not to be like me.
Be free and try to see that distant sea.
She will try to be an illusion to which there is no conclusion.
But to be a delusion.
Part of somebody else's revolution.
Without a solution.
Part of the pollution.

By A.J. Weberman A.K.A. - Jon Billet

Electric Currents

"Electric Grid"

Keep the pockets in your sockets.

Let the currents keep flowing in your fire's oceans of love.

You hit me like a tsunami.

Driving passions forever more.

A never ending love.

I'll ponder and sit.

You're as powerful as an ocean's undertow.

The electric grid's fuse boxes have been blown.

In the tsunami's storm I dream furiously.

Thoughts full of colors are racing through my head.

My dream is a fantasy's line.

All mine until the end of time.

By Jon Billet 11/19/13       

God Is Dead

"God Is Dead"

Grey clouds were soaked with wet moisture.

I heard a burst and felt warm water covering my face.

A sunshine wearily broke through the sky.

My father's death seems incomprehensible.

My senses are dull.

Jonathan Billet

Who'd You Say You Were?

 "Who'd You Say You Were?"

Dreamed I was in bed and screamed.
Thought I was in a barber's chair imbibing.
Fell through the floor to the earth below.
To Daily Square in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
It was pouring rain and the top to the President's Limo was down.
The roof was bulletproof and the shots misfired.
Stone Cellar's Merlot.
Don't even know if it's Mano, Mano, Manochevitz.
Snoop ears droop.
Snooze smells the blues from to much booze.
Fish after a birthday wish.
Nonsense's consequence's incidences.
Dirty wordy.
Somewhere in my past-present I hung around a Purchase student.
An actor named Bud and his buddy Nick.
He had an apartment and I used to go there at 5:00 A.M.
My late nights with the Zerox machine at I.B.M. in Purchase.
We used to hang around the Candlelight Bar.
The three of us used to watch The Honey Mooners.
Late night at Bud's apartment.
I want more colllege!
Bud was studying acting at Purchase University in 78'.
Fourteen dollars for a hamburger!...
They even got automatic elevator operators.
Cross them and you're out on the roof!i!i!i!.

By Jonathan Billet