"Fireflies' Highs"
Fireflies as stars turn lights on and off.
Just like the sun does for our planet.
Eventually they will turn off and darkness will be present.
Yet a new day will come and they will turn back on.
Life itself will come and go.
Only to arrive back at some future day.
Like a t.v. is turned on and off by remote control.
As real as it gets, life is still an illusion.
Which we will all catch up with.
It's like lights turning on and off.
Like a car's lights flashing on and off.
A train stopping and going at supersonic speed of light.
The jet planes flying and landing like birds will.
So dishes break on floors and wine glasses are smashed.
All in celebration of the new and true blue marriage of life.
Love life's laughs while you can.
By Jon Billet-07.25.13.