Tuesday, August 27, 2013



The world's got enough problems to worry about
without you worrying about them too! Be Happy!

By Jon Billet 08/27/13       

Yet Another

"When It Pees It Pours"

- Jon Billet

Another Notable Quotable

"Thanx God"

- Jon Billet

Notable Quotable

"Be who you are not who you want to be!"  

- Jon Billet

A Note

"A Note"


Today is sunny.

There are no clouds in the sky.

I like it when it is sunny.

Then I can ride my bike.

I am a meatball's hero.

Inside a fantasy football guide.

Mrs. Clean is Paula Deen.

Her case has been dismissed.

Meet North West.

Kanye and Kim's baby.

Baby Yeezus!

Time goes faster than a midnight train.

It is not wasting time anymore.

I'm never wasting time.

The world's wasting no time.

Spinning at such a speed.

Speeding slowly around the sun.

Causing friction, the world is!

I can see through glass but certain people
are opaque.

Glasses, like straws, come in different colors.

A dog trainer told me that when dogs are trained
from birth they will be peaceful.

This includes the dreaded pit bull terrier.

People are the same way.

I can write better, if I don't speak words.   

But I write like a blabbermouth talks.

At an unbelievable pace.

Random words about nothing at all!

Life is like a sermon of yours.

My negativity is being charged by a positive force.

Causing dynamic electricity in the air.

Song's tunes do this to me too.

So do good people.

I am the positive force that can make my miracles
come into being.

Cronuts and crispy creams are just fads.

Popular fads include monetary statuses. 

Politicians, job statuses, certain songs and movie stars.

Positive flows are not fads, but rather good energy.

Can you finger paint?

If you can you are truly talented.

I love to write almost as much as I love living.

The Dudette turns me on like a permanent turned
on television that is tuned in 24 hours a day.

She stimulates forces of the intellect in me.

True love lasts forever in my heart for her.

The stars twinkle in those enlightened eyes of hers.

The love I save is the love I carry with me for
my life.

I reach an epiphany's ecstasy in it that makes me 
want to live an eternity.

I'll live on until the world runs out of gas.

If the sun melts the snows.


By Jonathan Billet - Best And A Joyous Holiday To You!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Electric Fireflies

"Electric Fireflies"

They are turned on and off by t.v.'s remote control.

Which only I can see and hear.

Dudet is a space cadet caught in a distant star.

Horny adults are imbibing at the neighborhood bar. 

The patrons drive drunk but don't get far.

Only as far as a close up of this space cadet's shimmering star.

It's a tiny world after all.

Mighty tiny and trying.

Always crying in its drunk tears of remorse.

Never going off its course.

By Jonathan Billet 08.21.2013.        

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Farting The Time Away

"Farting The Time Away"

Listening To Hot Air Pass.
In my blind stupidity I can't hear anything.

By Jonathan Billet-08.19.2013.



Did I tell you?

Sometimes I feel my work is 

the shittiest 


in all of creation?

Other times,

I think it's the greatest?

You captivate my


By Jonathan Billet
August 29, 2013       

Donkey Kong

"Donkey Kong"

I love to play a wet game of donkey Kong.

Six soupy puppy scoops.

Party puppy is a doggy scoop.

Six potty scoops are a hoop's dubious dues.

Scooby-Doo to you too!

By Jonathan Billet       

These Bum Eyes

These Bum Eyes"

Quite a few while's years back.

Way down yonder there.

Before you were around.

I was imbibing on scotch and sodas.

The bartender looked drunker than I was.

Through my bum eyes.

The floors looked like the skies.

The doors looked like the March of Ides.

Where and when, in Rome, Cesar himself dies. 


08/16/13 - By Jonny Billet's       

Native Intelligence

"Native Intelligence"

Most of the people who work with intelligence
have rocks in their heads."

Jon Billet

To All Of You

"To All Of You"

I'm Hoping You 
Something In
Me That Will
Turn You
On Forever.

Love = Jonathan Billet

To Care And Share

"To Care And Share"

Needless To Say - I'll Always Pray.

Our Friendship Will Last For Many A New Day.

I Know Our's Is The Way.

Please Stay Until The Hour Ends.

It May Pay In This Act's Play.

For The Dudette - My High In Life!
From Jonathan Billet 08/13/13       

Weather Forecast

"Weather Forecast"

Writing Of The Weather. Did You Hear
The Latest Forecast? "Drip, Drop, Till
12 O'clock."

Jon Billet

Notable Quotable

Notable Quotable

"Life Is Like The 
Weather- It Depends
Where You 

Jon Billet

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear God




Nonsensical Time

"Nonsensical Time"

Time is a great comedy's tragedy.

You can't really live in it.

It was made by man.

One second it exists, and the next it's gone forever.

You can't touch or feel it.

It lasts forever in space, not on earth.

It can't be seen or heard.

Time is in a vacuum in outer space.

It vanishes with death as though never existing at all.

I cry for all of us dearly departed to be.

The earth also shall perish.

I weep tears for my departed universe.

In a swimming pool of salt water taffy.

God sheds tears in creation's ocean's salt water.

Fish can live in the oceans.

Humans can't.

Maybe we'd be better off if we were fish.

Our planet has hardly any fresh water.

But plenty for the human race's survival.

The same is true of food to eat.

If we bathed, ate, and drank with those who can't, our world would heal.

Life's gifts are given or taken.

Never dealt out for free.

"Poverty Sucks!"...

By Jonathan Billet 08/12/2013

Fuxin' Fool

"Fuxin' Fool"

The world is full of fuxin' fools. Some like to fux, while others
like to be fooled. It takes a big heart to be fooled and a small
head to be fuxed.  The fuxin' world has millions of fuxed fools.

By A Fuxin' Fool Named Jon Billet

Love To Me

"Love To Me"

Your love to me was meant to be.

A kind of beautiful destiny.

Deeper than the deepest green sea.

Music's song I hear in harmony.

Those loving eyes are mirrored blue skies.

I can see that far in a distant star.

You turn on our signal's lights.

My love is here to stay in an everlasting way.

By Jonathan Billet - August 8, 2013
Dedicated To My Truest Love

Life Is And Isn't

"Life Is And Isn't"

Life isn't death - It's love.
Life is love and love is happy and sad.
Life isn't fair - it's unfair.
An apple isn't an apple - it's a pear.
Life isn't unjust - it's just not just.
Life isn't bad - it's just not good.
Life isn't slow - it's fast.
Life isn't fast - it's slow.
Life isn't pretty - it's pretty ugly.
Life isn't age - it's growth.
Life isn't hot - it's cold.
Life isn't exactly a simile - it's a metaphor.
Life isn't solid - it's a liquid gas.
Life can't be seen - it can be heard.
Life isn't hate - it ain't love either.
Life ain't lost - it's found.
Life is a mystery, but it's obvious too.
Life is lost but always found.
Life isn't wet - it's dry.
Life ain't stoned - it's cold stoned sober.
Life ain't peace - it's a warrior’s peace.
Life ain't smart - it's stupid to the smart idiot.
Life isn't a walk - it's a ride.
Life ain't easy - it's hard.
Life ain't smooth - it's rough.
Life isn't a table - it's a chair.
Life is an opinion - it's also a fact.
Life ain't a push but a pull.
Life ain't a hand - it's a foot.
Life ain't no floor but a door.
Life is 2.
Life ain't 6 or 4.
Life ain't less, it's more.
Life - less or more - is a big score.
Life ain't a hat.
Life is a head.
Life ain't bald.
It's hairy.
Life ain't smooth.
Life is rough.
Life is easy too.
Life isn't black, but it's blue.
Life is a few.
A few too many.
Life ain't a reflector.
But it's our own reflection.
Life ain't black or white - it's black and white.
It can be gray depending on month or day.
Life ain't a story I'm told.
Another fact or opinion?
It's always many sided - like a building.
Life is drinking too many beers, then throwing up tears.
Life is dragging on air.
Life ain't fair.
Life is for the just few.
Is it just for you?
Not for me!
Life is a tree.
For all to feel and see.
Love is hate.
Love is love repeated over and over.
Life is full - of bull.
It's got pull.
Shove it!
Life is a bird.
Life is the sky.
No artificial high.
Life is a dog.
Life is a cat.
Life is like a cursed rat.
Life is animal, vegetable, mineral, or human.
Life is fuzzing when it's buzzing.
Life is high.
Life is low.
Life is yellow.
Life is green.
Like I say, life can be grey.
Life is blue.
Life is old and life is new.
It's getting old for a few.
A few billion.
Life is remembered.
Life is forgotten too.
Life is like a car or truck.
A 16 wheeler.
Life is the wheeler-dealer.
Life ain't complex - but beautifully simple.
Life ain't a newspaper - more of a disguised television set.
Life ain't hungry - it's starving.
Life is like a scented flower.
A flying insect.
Life is too seldom humble but often proud.
Life is much less.
Life is much more.
You'll find your life’s beginning makes ends meet.
Life - like my poem, you'll find incomplete.
But a rare treat, like an old repeat of your steady heartbeat.