"Sweet Molly Dudettes"
Dear Mol when will Thanatos take you from me?
As my tears flow back into the ocean where I was born.
I die a slow death.
But live a faster life.
Molly, my love for you will last longer than I ever can.
You help me swim the ocean of everlasting life.
I pray for a day when I can repay you for your helping and loving kindness.
The days to come will be rougher than the most turbulent tides in an ocean's tidal wave.
When I lose you, all is lost.
Only to be found in somebody else's life in dreams.
Perhaps a new born.
Molly, you are my newly born, unfolding, yellow rose.
You are as infinite as time and will last forever in the universe.
Speeding meteorites whistle off to distant galaxies burning life that once was ours.
You will be a forgotten tune.
Forgotten but far from lost in my mind's mountainous memory travel.
The scribes will scribble on ancient walls of our love to be in a different world.
Shakespeare's ghosts will reappear.
You are forever to be a yourself a free soul.
The mother's newborn baby's yellow rose of antiquity.
By Jon Billet 10/21/13 Dedicated to Andy Dudette