Thursday, January 29, 2015



Watch out!!!...

The Yik Yak can attack!i!i!i!i...

Yellow is purple and white turns back into black.

Pink is washing in a sink then what can blue do?

What about the mustache of fu manchu?

Green watches this scene on a video screen.

If Jimi was right, then day is night and evenings are light.

The purple haze was spent in the day's phrase of a colorful phase.

Red said it lets out a thick, bleeding color.

Pink turns into an orangy melon rind.

The white walk symbol looks like a mime.

All the pedestrians are in lost time.

Without any reason or rhyme.

Is heaven really fine?

Search down the road to find that golden sign. 

You must find the riddle's many answers to the crime. 

And get yourself lost in nature's green pine during wintertime.

Then everything will turn into the sweetness of burgundy wine.

The color line is divine in its prime. 

By Jonathan Billet- 01.29.2014         

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Gardens

                                  "The Gardens"

I repeat, it's not too sweet a beat.

So sit down and please have a seat.

Welcome to Jelly Gardens.

The first thing we tell our arrivals is the air up here is light.

The fragrance is that of lilac wine.

Violets and lilacs grow copiously.

It makes the people dance and romance.

Making love in Jelly Gardens is a unique experience.

A path followed by only a select few.

Would that paradise be for you? 

By: Jonathan Billet -01.27.2014

Life's Bliss

                                          "Life's Bliss"

What if this was the middle of nowhere?

Any enlightened person can tell you this is the beginning of everywhere.

Life is too short to cave into a depressed philosophy.

So short, in fact, it doesn't fit into any particular philosophy.

Nothing to think of.

It was created in the heaven's above.

But below is only a dark cavern.

Without any lights to burn.

So stay with me here, now, and sing a song of love's pleasure.

Life's treasure.

Heavenly bliss, forever.

By: Jon Billet
For Andy D.

A Beautiful Blindness

                           "A Beautiful Blindness"

You are so beautifully blind, you are one of a kind.

To this world.

It astounds me!

I love it and desire your love too.

There's plenty it owes to you for the love you give to it.

You are a most precious gift.

There is no light as bright as the sun's flames you fire.

Filling lovers' hearts with your desire.

You make me awake to sunshine and let my darkness retire.

A dawn's springtime.

This I know, the world needs your love so.

By Jonathan Billet

Born Alone

                               "Born Alone"

I wasn't born.

I was hatched.

In a mysteriously devious plot.

My father was Richard Burton and my mother was Sophia Lauren.

I was whisked away to a sperm clinic when young.

I am more of an apple computer than corn tiller.

Thoughts don't come to me.

I travel many miles to distant thoughts.

The land of thought is not densely populated.

Hardly ever visited.

But it's a beautiful escape.

White desert sands and coconut trees surround it.

There's always food for thinking. 

The people are like the indigenous people of a Gauguin painting.

Primitively advanced in their culture.

I write poems on my walls in reverence to the greatest artists.

They paint on canvas, apartment walls, halls, and street's stores below me. 

They painted my life for me, one early may day.

By Jonathan Billet's

Morning's Night Light-01/27/2014       

Fishermen On Tuesdays

                          "Fishermen On Tuesdays"

Fish cry wet tears of licorice taffy into a sea of purple tea.

Fishermen come to see if they can catch the silver fish from the freezing sea.

Skies of grays and there is a green thick haze.

It pays to pick up bait on Saturdays.

Fridays are ladies' days when they can tan in the sand.

May is the best month to catch these crying fish.

You wanted a flying sea wish.

You got a fishing pole holder.

Instead of being behind or ahead.

You are there, here, and elsewhere.

On all sounds.

What goes up rebounds.

By Jonathan Billet-


Money Walks As It Talks

                                  "Money Walks As It Talks"

The people walk down the street talking about money to themselves.

Everyone in the world is involved in conversation.

Money talks louder than words in America.

"In the dollar we trust."

Only the rich get justice in America.

Wealth is built on injustice. 

A wise biblical scholar, possibly Maimonides, said,

"The richer you are, the more just you become."

That is why poor people always get the short end of the stick.

My brother is a television re-run.

By Jonathan Billet-01.26.14

3:32 A.M.       

The People In The Green Aprons

"The People In The Green Aprons"

Like gas station attendants of fifty years ago, they fill up your tanks.

They also lubricate your engine and pamper to your every need.

There to make sure you have a pleasant trip and enjoy your stay.

Are coffee beans America's new gasoline?

Starbucks a new model car for the masses?

At such a high price for a caffeine fix?

They'll never out-price the customers with their alluring music and internet hookups.

The baristas are the salt of the earth.

Very professional with a positive attitude towards life.

One never knows when they are happy or sad.

For the most part keeping social activities private.

You are always in for laughs and small talk.

Which is better than the tall talk about nothing at all at many establishments. 

I always go there to see my morning buddies and my favorite baristas.

Only wish I had a triple platinum credit card instead of this lousy debit card.

By Jonathan Billet-

Twenty-Six Days After New Year's-2014-2:00 A.M. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mind Benders

"Mind Benders"

The brain twists and turns.

Up and down.

Upside-down cake and right-side-up world.

Straight and crooked.

Like a Volkswagen's axle.

It teases my brain.

Thoughts cause great pain.

Cars are traveling in the wrong lane.

This is inane.

A feign of the insane?

By Jonathan Billet


Sooner Than You Know

                                "Sooner Than You Know"

It's sooner than you know.

You must die with the world, to grow.

My psychiatrist's psychologists are really so and so.

This, they don't know.

They think their patients have all the time in the world.

They don't live in time.

I traveled to a sage's shrine.

Found the missing time.

It's five here, and nine on the Rhine.

That doesn't mean Rickey ever made it to Hollywood & Vine.

He holds up a sign that was his cameo appearance.

For his miraculous disappearing reappearance.

From the world for a few months.

By Sue Billet alias Jon Billet

Dream's Boats

                                       "Dream's Boats"

I'm in a boat full of dreams.

The world has nowhere to go.

What's it doing to itself?

Getting rid of itself?

Does anybody really care?

It's just not fair.

The time flows like a river.

Sailing in a sea of salt water taffy, without me.

This sea has many themes.

There are reams and reams of paper thoughts in dreams.

The thoughts are absorbed in these dreams.

So are quiet screams.

It's somebody's deluded schemes in their different scenes.

The earth has mystical clouds and skies that give weeping cries. 

If they don't let out cries, life dries and dies.

Up and down the people must go.

As the times continue to flow.

Where does it all go?

To nowhere we know.

By Jonathan Billet-


Kettle Drones

"Kettle Drones"

Flesh burns below hot kettle drones.

Looked like a dog, but it might have been a child baby.

Ordered not to make waves when I told the superior's superior.

Played in a party that got me drunk and forgot about it.

Quit the air force and headed to Oklahoma.

Killed thousands that I never saw.

That's what I was told.

I sent many a drone.

Now I live in a home in Keystone, Oklahoma.

Protected my kids, now I will farm my land.

Like the farmers of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

That is those who are alive.

Cultivating poppies for our soldiers.

By Jonathan Billet


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I Tear

                             "I Tear"

You make my mind laugh and my eye tear.

Do you think I am weird or queer?

Wish like Superman, I didn't understand love's fear.

You are the dear seer to me.

That's always shown and seen.

I read King Lear once a year.

Leary was weary.

Saw his capsule revolving around the moon.

Is it so far that it's near?

Is there tap water under the tappan zee?

Or just beer?

Love's always here.

By Jon Billet

An Idiot's Song

                                      "An Idiot's Song"

Better go where you come from.

Where we all belong.

Go play your magical song.

It's not writing, but is not wrong.

Go strike a feather in this fair weather.

You're much greater than Heather.

You belong only to yourself.

Not to me.

Were we ever meant to be?

Set my soul free.

Say oui.

By Jonny The B.



The world doesn't really dig me.
There's plenty of room for it in
my heart!

Jon Billet-01/19/2014       

All On Deck

                           "All On Deck"

Of a deck of cards and a friend I'll never be short.

Always stand tall!...       

Writing What I Think

"Writing What I Think"

I don't eat and drink.

I eat what I drink and think.

Your mind's cosmic sun's ray reflects my mind's thoughts.

New writings' day is an old say in a different way.

Imagining a new play coming to Broadway.

Writing as green tea turns into red brandy.

A sea I drink and think in a sink of this tasty brandy.

Beaches that I lay on are sandy.

The poets write their songs by epiphanies in mountain peaks.

A true tune never knows what it seeks.

Only singers can write for an unspoken broken heart.

Inspired by music of an art. 

Traveling boots lost in the time's mimicking rhyme.

By Jon Billet


Aces Always SticK

                                    "Aces Always SticK"

Did my tricks in nineteen hundred forty-six.

Got kicks in fifty-six.

Shortly before 1964.

Whiskey sips in '66.

Pot sticks in 3006.

Ringing singing bell in a seven towards eleven in my mind's heaven.

Or is it hell's bells I hear up that stair?

Makes me break out in goosebumps and my hair stand in the air.

Is life good or just fair.

At you, I try not to stare.

Nothing can compare to your tenderness kisses care.

Not even a lightning storms electric flare.

I just sit on your bottom bare.

Where you see me there.

The stallion to a mare.

A peachy cheeky pear.

Lost in illusion's prayer.

By Jonathan Billet


Lost Shoes

"Lost Shoes"

Abbie wears shades that were stolen from Mickey and lost shoes that belonged to Ricky of the B2.

- "Don't blame us, we'll blame you other corporations included too."

My knapsack is full of clothes, my head is full of ideas, and my stomach is empty, so are my drawers.

I write the trash and recycle it for cash.

Some of my best ideas are caught with butterfly nets in the yellow sun.

A rat jumped.

Pumped in the park until it got dark- then I couldn't see what I was doing.

My diplomas were all smashed in the local dump.

The sun dipped while a pizza pie flipped.

Hold on- I ran out of ideas over the years.

I'd like to take this time to remind corporate America, "A New Day Is Dawning."

By Captain Moonlight Alias Jon Billet        

Concerto In A Minor

             "Concerto In A Minor"

Too many tears that can only be heard by deaf ears.

Open the door and hear the roar.

It's like being so drunk you can't steer.

Seconds, and days, will last for a year, and the years will soon be near.

The bluesy smoked haze will clear.

Dybbuks will disappear in paralyzed fear.

A singer's love songs are a drudgery's peer.

The fans in the musical hall can no longer scream nor hear.

By Jonathan Billet
For Katie Abbot's Birthday-

Revised on 01/12/2014        

Sunday, January 11, 2015

She Cries Real Tears

                            "She Cries Real Tears"

He cries real tears that can be tasted but not heard by deaf ears.

See this sound and you may be able to hear it through your ocean's ear.

Like being drunk on too much beer.

Always the seer without any fear.

What is close by is always far away and never near.

Seconds, minutes, and hours will soon be here.

A clown's love is a drudgery's peer.

Isn't life dear?

Sweetheart, I love to stare at you and jeer.

As a crowd of people stand and cheer.

By Jonathan Billet

For Katie Abbot Birthday That I Wished I Never Missed.



There is a poem stored in my mind when I dream.

When I remember what it is or forget about it-

my abilities to create new ideas will be gone.

All people have the same dream but it is usually concealed.

Released after death sets in.

Your Friend- Jonathan Billet-01.10.2015

War's Score

"War's Score"

I don't want the draft.

I'll tell you why.

It smells like tomorrow's drunken beers.

I'm old and have enough fears.

Like wars' cheers makes me cry tears.

I can see with my eyes, smell with my nose, and listen to my ears hear.

Watching the world wonder in amazement for what was done before.

Would like to know a reality's score.

Forty billion dollars more.

It makes me bang my head against the sky's floor.

Opening up a door.

No more war.

I want to know the why and wherefore.

To it.

Don't want to throw a fit!

Life can be full of thrown up spit.

Like taking the shit.

For Andrea. my guiding star.

Together we will get far away.

On what she has to say.

I'll always listen.

To stay and play the day.

This will always pay.

By Jonathan Billet 01/09/2015

Waiting For The Time To Change

            "Waiting For The Time To Change"

Waiting on the end of a line for the beginning of time.                                         

Eyes are sunning and my nose is running in this deep heat.

It's Mid-July in the middle of winter's snowy sky.

I don't want to die while I am high.

Is this my fate that in my state I have reached death's gate?

Jagger sings Dylan as Dylan plays Jagger and Jimi did Hendrix.

The same way love is never a fix.

Only street lights know when it's time to come and go.

Jon Billet-On A Crystal's B-Day-Around 01.08.2014...       

Laugh's Cracked Star

                  "Laugh's Cracked Star"

You're my angel who never fell nor will you.

Sometimes I feel like a fallen angel.

I'm a shooting star.

A shot star.

You will always go far.

While I drink green tea at a sushi bar.

My future is told in a fortune cookie I was sold.

What a way to be alive.

I should really imbibe on some strong spirits.

Do you have any leftovers for me?

I'm to blind to see and too old to be.

I'll be glad to be at the moment when you set me free.

I'm sorry all I can lend is a deaf ear and bad sight.

You're always right when we fight.

My great wish is to hold you tight.

Won't you fulfill my heart's desire and extinguish my hell's fire?

Of you, I can't get enough to avoid a hell's mire.

That I fell into.

And can't get out of.

All I need is your love.

From the stars, moons, and planets above.

By Jon Billet to A. Dudet - Through All The Years - Great Cheers.        

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The World Is Upside Down

  "The World Is Upside Down"


My mind is in upheaval.

The world is upside down but spins around town.

I watch the world on a Tuesday which will turn into Monday.

If Sunday wasn't called Sunday it might be addressed to as Saturday.

Four o'clock is seven in heaven.

Yellow is blue and green orange.

God sees all colors but hears none.

To some humans aren't human.

Like the animals.

Deaf ears hear differences in sound.

Like humans and dogs hear and sound differently.

I can see through my mind's fifty-fifty vision.

But I can see only through my own eyes.

I'm called different because I don't see the same as other folks.

I was misdiagnosed when a child with autistic hyperactivity.

This wasn't the real case.

But whose is?

By Jonathan Billet B 4 New Year's Eve-2014

To Andrea: Whose Life I Love More Than Mine.         

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dark Matter Particles

"Dark Matter Particles"

Does dark matter make any difference to the world?

All and none.

But they could chill the sun.

You romp and stomp.

A romper stomping dance in the sun's cloud.

Except when it thunders and gets too loud.

Then that cloud will burst and it will begin to rain.

Giving the planet and my skin a good soaking.

Fires are always smoking.

Not poking a joke.

While listening to folk.

Played without the sky's lightning's electricity.

A powerful velocity.

The world will save me.

Stick around and see.

Unless I fall from a tree prematurely.

Jon Billet- 01.03.2015

Echo's Canyon

"Echo's Canyon"

My footsteps echo in the park.

A voice I hear is moving through the dark.

I'm waiting for the Ark.

I write for myself alone in an empty house.

I'm invisible to a tree and dogs can barely see me. 

Want to swim in the sea of orange tea.

That will set the human race free.

We really all do exist in a box.

The box has plenty of locks.

Like my floor door.

Nobody will share with me what's in store.

The creator has an invention kit.

Like a front door's mail slit.

Wishing to hum songs to it.

It won't take long to write these songs.

The ideas they sell strike me as dumb.

Good while on Scotch and Rum.

But they take a mighty sum.

Except to a drunken wandering bum such as myself.

All alone by myself in one of the house's rooms.

Watching Jupiter's jumping moons.

While eating from utensil's pencils, called ice-cream spoons.

Made especially for buffoons.

Watch out for passing typhoons.

By Captain Stardust alias Captain Moonlight or J. Billet's.

To Andy Dudettes.