"For The Paper"
God will forgive me for my sins when they decide the time is right...
Right now I'm deciding who I am, who we are, and if I am.
If I am me or somebody else according to their view of who I am.
My interpretation of that interpretation.
Am I tripping over my ego? Or have I tripped over a trip wire?
Nobody negotiates better then me. It seems the only thing up for
grabs in life's negotiations are my cajones.
If I sleep then I am no longer alive. It has been long since established
that I am no longer in existence. How the government declared me
"deceased" is beyond me. If you don't exist there's always trouble for
you...Please Mister don't delete me in my sleep.
Made a perfect heist at the cookie factory with my sidekick Pat.
Stole a sack of "Grandma's Oatmeal Cookies."
Worth $1.00 a pack. Two in each pack. 100 in a sack.
It seems to me that politics is full of jerks who brag about how smart
are, how stupid they are - or the fact that they just don't know. The
head doesn't know what the ass is doing in government. The politicians
clean the executive toilet bowls. Our fault - we elect them and then
blame them for what they do.
To make a short story long, I went to Harvard. I spent the better
part of an afternoon at Harvard Yard. Dripped out of Princeton. Got my
degree in diarrhea.
I throw out the trash for cash and collect the trash to make more cash.
If you're being schmucked over remember the world's always schmucking
over its schmucky self - even to death. The day is a hot one. The most
destitute person in the world has a warmer heart heart then the galaxies'
of suns or stars that can be seen. Even in the world's scene of soap opera
stars on a cinema's screen.
You Sir, meet me on the street and agree I could use a haircut. Sir, you
need your ass shaved. Have a nice life!
- Jonathan Mark Billet or Jonnie Goldprick -
neither exists anyway.
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