Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dear Lassy




My Dreams

"My Dreams"

I wish you were older and I was younger so we could catch up to each other and be lovers.  My lover never loved me, although she gave me plenty of charity.  Now she won't see me.  She has settled down because I never could.  I called her but she told me I was poison.  I was and probably still am.

What party do I belong to?  Well I have a latte in my potty.  Maybe the caffeine party.  The mean green caffeine party.  The ice-cream party.  The bar-mitzvah party, the bat-mitzvah party.  The birthday party.  The Whigs.  The Republican Party Of Wilson.  Gus Hall's Party.  The National Socialist Party.  The Worker's Party.  The Social Services Party.

Who do I write for?  Toys R' Us.  Macy's, G.E., and The California School Of Fine Arts headed by Anonymous Bosch.

What about if there is a circuit-stopper in my telephone.  Who will I get in touch with?  Look it up under Homeland Security in The Yellow Pages of your phone book.  If there is a rappin' tapper outside your window?  Look under "The Wind Howls Powdered Reigns."

J. Billet's - 02/24/12

Monday, February 27, 2012

Car Wreck On Stage 6

“Car Wreck On Stage 6”

A rat is hanging from my skin with razor-sharp teeth.  My flesh is stretched by the weight of the rat, fastened to it over a garbage can.  I can feel the sharp pain.  My mind is full of terror.  I can’t shake this thing off.  I’m in a jail cell in a small town in Alabama.  They’re torturing me with razor blades.  Cutting into my slashed back.  In a double-winged World War II plane.  I sit in the front seat with a headless pilot and I look down into his missing head.  It’s raining as we pass through the clouds, caked with dried blood up to my waist.  Flying out of this scene to you, my love.  I’m baking like a plastic insect in an oven.  Officer Rida has just stopped my car and is getting me out and making me walk through a freezing fall pond with dead brown leaves on top and bottom.  My tennis shoes are soaked through to my socks and my blue jeans are soaked up to my knees.  Love – most of what I texted you last night will be emailed to you.  Life itself will end.  But your love will last an eternity.  My heart will forever be full of the love you have bestowed on me.  You will live on through the best.  I can supply the world with the love I write about in my spoken and written words.  What makes you speak so loud in this world of deaf silence that screams in terror of its sanity?  Your children will live on and carry you through life.  I will die.  Happy heartbroken love – Billy.

J. Billet’s

Send My Regards To Broadway

"Send My Regards To Broadway"

The very first thing I'd like to send you is my regards.  The rest will come in good time.  I'll be glad to tell you a story.  The meeting with the rabbi was cancelled because I told him, like all the other religious and ethnic groups, the Jews had their Hitlers who murdered people.  One person's death is just as valid as ten people's deaths in God's I's.  But the guilty are not cognizant of who they are or who really does their dirty work for them.  I was listening to news reports about how we are going to bomb Iran in the spring's time.  This is like when we were planning to attack Iraq, which is a country we thought we knew about, but didn't know anything about the people.  After all, all them all are just like us.  One of the Senators was against going into Iraq and getting caught there, like Obama caught us up and double-crossed the dying Senator on the health bill along with it.  Whose health plan?  Obama casually walked by filled with pharmaceuticals in his back pockets.  Breaks for the conglomerates on Wall Street.  It's the economy, stupid! Were we better off four years ago stupid!  Who the hell knows or cares. Not big business or labor, they're doing quite well.  You say - You pay - If you play.  Go ask a socialist commie who was a Jew named Trotsky.  Look at what his comrades did to him!  I kept hearing this news on the radio about a pre-eminent strike that will be taking place in the nick of time.  I SAY ATTACK HEART!!!!!!!

J. Billet

1955 Patsy Sings

“1955 Patsy Sings”

In a honky tonky bar in Nashville, Tennessee, Patsy Cline is singing ‘Walking After Midnight.’  It’s a spring golden daisy night and she sings with a country twang in a beautiful, bluesy voice.  Accompanying her is an electric mahogany violin.  I’m in the crowd shouting for more while imbibing White Lightning on my feet.  I’m wishing my Valentine a “Happy Flower Day.”

Jonnie Goldprick

Alcoholic Ominous

 "Alcoholic Ominous"

Sadly, some people belong to "Alchoholic R' Us."

God's sweet songs are all sober.

It's always just a little extra.

A good car crash is what the boozer enjoys.

It's tougher to drive sober than drunk.

Alcohol shouts mirth but ends up in depression.

The alcoholic needs to think he is sober when drunk, but really isn't thinking at all.

Life is much more sober than alcohol.

Ten is the altitude of their choice.

The alcoholic will make every excuse when they don't exist.

Every sober person needs sustenance, sun, and sleep.

The alcoholic needs his bottle to pacify.

They make flip tops or funny lids for alcohol.

The green tea makes me flip my lid's id.

You can't put out a flame with alcohol in the brain, only start a fire.

Alcoholics are manic maniacs.

Alcoholics drink instead of eating.

Their food is booze.

The drunk hide their shame.

Life is a reality's hangover.

A drink to drugs and death!

Livers swell and drunks smell.  "Don't drink - Stay alive!"


When was the last time you heard a drunk make any sense when drunk?

About anything or everything?

The greatest gift God gave us when we were born was our sobriety.

Inhibition is shame but exhibition is alcohol's game.

The world isn't drunk, just beautifully stewed.

3 is the last letter of the alphabet to a drunk.

They drink numberered alphabet soup.

J. Billet's 02/22/12

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jolly Folly

"Jolly Folly"

People can't stand a living hell.

Some visit to stay.

Others never go away.

A new day has a stubborn way.

I can't put my hands around the world's head.

Would rather kiss you instead!

Sad world, shed your tears for me.

Thoughts we share grow.

Then they go.

New thoughts are really old.

Some are really quite bold.

Life's a story I'm told.

Life and love don't compare.

Believe me.

I've had my share.

By J. Billet

An Anatomy Of Oedipus Rex

"An Anatomy Of Oedipus Rex"

At a local café I mentioned that I used an unnamed expletive in one of my poems and had told a high school student about it.  I said that I used no foul language when explaining it to the student.  I didn't even use the word to the customer to whom I was speaking.

A woman covered in tattoos, which some might think were done in grotesque manner, yelled at me, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself saying that to a kid, and you know what I'm talking about!" - "No," I replied. "I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't think you do either!"  The woman reminded me of a hot tattooed penis.

Freud uses the term "penis envy" in his writing.  Modern masters use nude models, penises, and vaginas included.  The Greeks and Romans had a thing for the nude body in their statues and statuettes:  All body parts included.  Ancient digs have uncovered erotic findings in their discoveries.  Even Saturday Night Live uses the term "penis."

How could we procreate without them?  Even in this most Victorian of times!  She, herself, illustrates her body with tattoos.  Possibly being an ignoramus, she is embarrassed and wants to cover it up.  Imagine such a sexy woman being ashamed of such a beautiful body.  

Not me - proud, little, skinny dick that I am.  Short like James Cagney and just like him, a giant of a man.

What's wrong with the word "penis"?  Most men have one.  I say, up with the penis.  It's a point loved by all.  Man Power!  Female Power!  Tattoo Power!  And yes, even Penis Power!

By A Proud Member of the Human Race named Jonathan Billet

Sorcerer's Workshop

"Sorcerer's Workshop"

Are oui you???

You torture my funny vein.

Snap your fingers on my window pane.

Telephones tap the falling reign.

When in God's name will we be sane???

You run around the town like a company clown.

Whose in heaven's sake are use???

Are oui yous???

Yous me???

Me us???

Please discuss - don't cuss at Gus Hall.

Is he waiting for the fall?

Are you the son of a plummer???

The hawk from Woodstock???

The Chef Boy "R" Dees from a C.I.A.  

A clerk for the federal bureau of detoxification and water purification???

A mother trucker of the P.T.A.???

Whose youse???

Use us???

We's use.

Please let us be.

Thank yee.

By Jonathan Billet 3/17

Glasses of Gasses

"Glasses of Gasses"

Any emotion has a second.

All color has a new sound.

Each second has a different color.

Every sound is a beautiful day.

God bless the rest.

Died yesterday and turned into the bark of a Birch.

Saw beyond the sun.

Dug like a beedle.

By Jonathan Billet

Superman's Sight

"Superman's Sight"

Is fear pain?

Feeling too much pain is insane.

Without rain, a flame can turn really insane in the brain.

When you claim not to be insane, people think you feign.

During a reign of the insane, living is quite inane and asininely vain.

Clark Kent's fame is the superman name and the latent love of Miss Lois Lane.

Dreaming sleep, counted, sheep, outside a window pain, in Old Andalusian Spain.

By Jonathan Billet



Parched throats breathe thick, acrid, plumes of

Bellowing, black, choking smoke and cry.

Tiny people jump to heaven and smash into the concrete below.

Sunny orange hues turn to rotting purple blues.

Fire alarm bells go off in my head.

Awoken for spells to death's living hells.

My guts swelled as I fell.

God has spoken.  Glass was broken.

By Jonathan Billet

Dear Roxy

Dear Roxy,

What I don't know probably won't kill me - It's what I do know that hurts.

God might be a conductor - composing music to my satisfaction.

Sometimes I think we are all actors - Shakespeare thought so.

If this is the case - then maybe we don't live in the real world.

It's possible the entire universe is made up of giant matzo balls.

Even Fort Knox is full of cream cheese, bagels, and lox.

Any first year economics student can tell you that.

Money is full of bitter - sweet honey.

Every person pays.

The bus ride was dreadful.  These morons right 

next to me were talking about how you had to suffer

Through extremes of body temperatures

Before you could experience death and feel a great

suffering, agony, and pain. 

I suffer through enough crap without listening to garbage.

I say, put them in a freezer and lock them in.

Maybe then they'll know what the hell they're talking about.

All of these jerks belong in the produce department.

Stick them in with the frozen fish.

If they're looking for fright - let them enlist.

Lots of love my friend,

Jonathan Billet
Oral masturbation is really a sensation.

Physical stimulation depends on sexual copulation!i!i!i!i!.....

Some people have no modulation.

Others have diarrhea of constipation.

Laugh hard until you cry.

Who doesn't die in hypocrisy's lie?

I dream alone in my poem.

Writing to fill up the room.

At night, there's nothing to do.

Check in the barracks by twenty to two.

Expelled from life's school - 

Because I had shit on my shoes.

Drunk on air and high on drink.

I just cannot think..............

Puking yellow pumpkins,

and orange banana stew.

Wet street in a rainbow's hue - 

Painting cars and buildings different colors too.

Got slurry vision and can't hear through one ear.

Am I here?

It's not altogether clear.

Today's salesman in worn shoes - 

Selling nursery school's current events - 

always breaking in The Planet News.

By Jonathan Billet

My Persian Brother

"My Persian Brother"

Oh, Persian Caliph, you lived with the Monks.  New questions lead to old answers; they are the beginning of an end.  You took a Hajj to the Taj Mahal with Buddhist Monks.  We smelled the tears of grief in The Dead Sea at The Great Salt's City.  They put you under arrest after the Revolution.  To this, only God can attest.  We learned what love is in Paris.  Knocked heads on the hilly streets of The Red Gate's Golden Bay.  Strike!!!!!!!! But against nobody but yourself!  Can't you really see who you are, my Czar?

Unspoken Words In S.F.
Circa 1973 - J. Billet

A Warm Day

"A Warm Day"

It's reigning flowers in afternoon showers.

Enthralled by Melvin's powers, I'm hypnotized by your loving eyes.

Baby carriages in new marriages.

Pressing my remote control for a reconnaissance patrol.

Neighborhoods' junk mail sails into garbage pails.

The Starbuck's coffee cow can't give milk.

Bored, I'm looking for my lover.

By Jonathan Billet 4/21/10

To God

"To God"

To God, a second lasts for eternity.

The universe is full of seconds in the giant pinhead.

In God's eyes, the world is blind.

God speaks only braille.

A gifted few comprehend God's words.

God travels in the mind's imagery.

God hesitates and hates to be late for a date with fate.

God doesn't send a letter without a return address.

Find me love - 

I'm not hiding!

Love a friend!!

Love the world!!


By J. Billet

Buddha's Break

"Buddha's Break"

It's brunchtime's break.

Billions of the best bonitos

Bialys and breakfast bagels

Bounce briskly up and down Ben Yehuda street -

To a fantabulously fanciful and funnily famous

Foxtrot's funky beat.

Shaloma Aroma

Jonathan Billet

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Half the time I'm dreaming

About life and the other

Half of time I don't

Know what in the world I'm dreaming about.

I don't care what

The world dreams about 

In the world's dream.

Qué vida i!i!i!......

Jonathan Billet

Note to a Holy Man

Dear Rabbi Shira,

Sometimes I gotta watch the birds eat pennies and it makes me sad.

Love your friend,

Jonathan Billet

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday The 33rd - Wizard Of Lox - Jonnie Billet's - The Lion's Hexagram In A Circus

"Friday The 33rd - Wizard Of Lox - Jonnie Billet's -
The Lion's Hexagram In A Circus"

The therapist, not the patient, is always right.  After all, they know what they're talking about.  Yesterday was planned obsolescence, and so is today in the realm of the hexagram.  If I destroy yesterday, will today return?  Will tomorrow arrive on time?  Is there a countdown to today?  How well did Wednesday know time?  My dead mother?  My grandpa?  My great Grandma Moses?  Does God teach the days of the week prayers?  The seasons time?  It must be taught by us and passed on to future generations!  Does a sheet know a bed?  A sock a foot?  A foot a yard?  A dog a scent?  A cent a dollar?  Does a dollar know finance?  A bank?  Does a switch know a light?  Tape a voice?  Voice a radio?  A T.V.?  A movie?  A person?  Do people know a voice unspoken?  I say yes!  Does a day know when it is being crossed out or just called its name?  H2O?  O?  Fe?  A cry a laugh?  A laugh a cry?  Do we know when we are being sold short?  Long?  Bought?  Borrowed?  Stolen?  Can you tell me, is life gas, liquid, or solid?  Does a frog eat a firefly?  A firefly light up?  Do we light up?  Do Christmas trees light up?  Is money stolen like time is stolen?  Is time robbed like a bank?  With guns and banditos?  Does time mind a watch or does a watch mind time?  Do we move mountains or do mountains move us?  Does water occupy empty space or does empty space occupy water?  Do we occupy the land or does the land occupy us?  Ziccotti Park?  N.Y.C.?  Does New York occupy Ziccotti Park?  Do Keys unlock doors or do doors unlock keys?  Does The Pope live in The Politburo?  Do we murder people or do people murder us?  Weak defense?  Strong offense?  Defensive tackle for The Denver Brocos?  N.Y Nets?  Washington Post?  N.Y. Times?  Huffington Post?  Does time skip a beat or does a beat skip a time?  Is time beat?  Beatniks?  Do we sing in rhyme or does rhyme sing in us?  Time in rhyme or rhyme in time?  Time does rhyme (see my poem Rhyme Time!)  Do you get atomic bellyaches?  On a scale of 1 to 10 - What's your atomic number?  Do you suck on a straw or does a straw suck on you?  Millions of questions and no answers.  I answer and no one questions?  Does a wheel turn or does a turn in a deal with a wheel?  Is a piano a piece of furniture?  A guitar?  Is a desk a musical instrument?  A chair?  A bed?  Yes?!!!?i?  Is a cup of coffee a cup or coffee a cup?  Cup of Jo?  Say yes and I'll say no.  I live in a cave with paintings underground in my crash pad in the Village.  What about u?  See u soon I hope.  Don't smoke dope.  Only dead Pope's Smoke in the Vatican chimney.  Geeks reek like perfume.

J. Billet's 02/09/12

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Some Asshole's Cracks

"I Heard Einstein crack a joke at the bar."

"I'm full of noxious fumes."

"Let crying dogs sleep."

"I write with forked pens."

"Dogs like me better than people."

"God spells his name L-O-V-E!"