Dear Roxy,
What I don't know probably won't kill me - It's what I do know that hurts.
God might be a conductor - composing music to my satisfaction.
Sometimes I think we are all actors - Shakespeare thought so.
If this is the case - then maybe we don't live in the real world.
It's possible the entire universe is made up of giant matzo balls.
Even Fort Knox is full of cream cheese, bagels, and lox.
Any first year economics student can tell you that.
Money is full of bitter - sweet honey.
Every person pays.
The bus ride was dreadful. These morons right
next to me were talking about how you had to suffer
Through extremes of body temperatures
Before you could experience death and feel a great
suffering, agony, and pain.
I suffer through enough crap without listening to garbage.
I say, put them in a freezer and lock them in.
Maybe then they'll know what the hell they're talking about.
All of these jerks belong in the produce department.
Stick them in with the frozen fish.
If they're looking for fright - let them enlist.
Lots of love my friend,
Jonathan Billet