Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My spirits run high in the grey-clouded cloudy sky.

An everlasting cry in a devil's high.

A sandman named Stan.

He ran through the ocean's roar, in the floor of its polluted shore.

Trying to find another door.

I could die in this life's dream.

But I pass by these wild fires in mires of doers and diers.

The ocean is full of junked cars and tires.

Sold by sellers and buyers.

Wheel and deal until the seas are full of defective Firestone 500's made by old fools.

Ice on the rocks.

Cups of ice.

Ice full of water and cups.

Fishes full of sea.

A sea full of fish.

Seawater bottles full of H2O.

Bottles containing H2O full of seawater.

Red, purple, yellow, and orange bagels floating in Columbian coffee.

Oceans' lifesavers tossed from ocean liners.

Rusted license plates and dirty hypodermic needles floating in H20 bottles.

Oceans full of H20 bottles sent with these man-made messages.

A discarded rotting chair and furniture floating.

Rotting garbage and decomposing waste.

Oil spills floating on the beach, covering plants and animals.

Soaking in the sands with the ocean's salt.

Radioactive material made in Japan in a nuclear reactor's meltdown earthquake's tsunami.

The waves are coming into already polluted shores.

Drill until they find something lost in years gone by.

Some say, Why?

Why not?

Corporate oil, atomic energy, politicians, and you and I inquire.

The consumers of energy these good things supply in this computer age.

Borrow from the earth today and steal from it tomorrow.

All the wildlife is dying for a living like we are.

But the ocean's ice caps melt as the smoke and gases in the polluted air heat the atmosphere.

Even outer space has debris floating around.

Maybe some will bump you in the head on the way down.

The fishes are full of radioactivity and our animal life has lungs full of air pollution's poison.

Qué lástima por el mundo!!!

By Jonathan Billet - Yom Kippur

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