Monday, December 17, 2012

Sun Spots

"Sun Spots"

I fall into a deep sleep underneath a tree with a slight breeze blowing from above.
I think the man in the moon is whistling musical melodies while smoking marijuana.
Dreaming I'm in outer space floating upside down while stoned, I'm reaching a new high.
When I woke up, back down on earth the sun breaks out in a heroin withdrawal's sweat.
I ride on the ocean waves with a white horse in the salty water along the tan's sandy shore-line.
The hot sun lights my cigarettes when I smoked while tree and sea breezes cool me on the shady grasses.
My flashlight directs the satellite's in outer space as my TV. remote controls the traffic.
Thunder and lightning, snow, rain, tornadoes, and hurricanes, even the sun's rays.
They control humans and all animals.
But they have no control over insects that have built in E.S.P. or antennae.
Speaking of remote and flashlight, they reign over Rap N' Soul, Pretzley's Bazooka's Teeny Bopper's Bezerkeley's Bubble Gum Rap Music.
Uranus and its gravitational pull over the rest of the planets and even sound and light.
Well it's back to another sleep for me.

By Jonathan Billet 12/12/12

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