Thursday, April 24, 2014

Being Bombed

                    'Being Bombed'

Please keep it to yourself.  

I am bombed out of my head.

Like most of the world.

Spinning in outer space.

Being with zombies.

They're bombed too.

They hover around in the past and future.

Never present.

Sometime, but not now.

I had a bar romper.

Which is something that inebriated me.

Oh Well.

What's your pleasure?

Mine's something I treasure.

But never measure.

By Jonathan Billet for A. Duddette.

What I Heard

 "What I Heard"

Butterflies sail high in the sky,

Then they wander off to die.

Millions of bubbles float in the air to go nowhere.

They fly from outer space to get to a different place.

Reflect the sun's shadow onto a ground below.

Heard I was online but I didn't believe it.

I write the trash and got busted for slinging hash.

I'm swinging in the shower.

I get more power by the hour.

Sometimes I feel bitter and sour.

Towards you a mere flower.

My poetry sucked.

I quit writing and joined the library.

Its easier than joining the army.

Listening to your music's call.

Which is better than doing nothing at all.

E-mail me or call at 914-634-0824.

Love you sadly and quite madly.

By Jonathan Billet

Randy's Resting In Space

"Randy's Resting In Space"

Turn out the light.

Burn out the light.

Turn on your lights.

I'll leave it up to you.

This is a play on words.

I rest.

In haste.

For me and not my race.

That has a different pace.

Set up in my taken space.

We must be in the wrong place.

A face is in a race.

Does my race have any taste?

Only when in outer space.

By Jonathan Billet
Inspired By Nick's Art.
      -  04.22.14.

The Notable Quotable

                       'The Notable Quotable'

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make
him drink.  Unless he drinks like a horse."

"You have the time of day unless you live in a
different time zone."

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Walking While Talking

"Walking While Talking"

Walking backward and talking forwards.

With my back to the wall without you.

I love only you.

My precious, presence, present.

You are a priceless perfection.

I went to a college in San Francisco. 

I ate the food that made my back break out.

My lover at that time put up with it.

She was a beautiful orphan girl.

There was a gigantic coke bust at the school where I was living.

The student who was dealing got really screwed.

There was a rally on his behalf that I spoke at in 1973.

I got thousand dollar poker chips on my shoulders.

Shoot craps and throw 7/11's or 77's.

Paintings on the walls communicate with me.

I purchased an A.C. that smokes cigarettes. 

My dog is a blind seeing eye dog.

What is heard can't be spoken.

Cigarettes and booze. 

Both enjoy my company.

Misery loves company.

By Jonathan Billet 04.20.14.

The Art Beats

"The Art Beats"          

An art beat gives warm heat.

It's the living and creative too.

Rhythm and soul have an art beat.

Like all music, so does Rock N' Roll.

Writing lives off and gives off art beats.

All space and time is in an art beat.

The universe is one big art beat.

Trees and all nature have natural art beats.

Art beats have beginnings and endings.

Always to start anew.

Two usually make more.

Millions create billions.

And they say that's what life is for.

To open the door.

Beauty and tastes have art beats.

They go on forever in heaven.

A heart beat will always be there to sit down in a chair.

They appear to come and go.

To where nobody seems to know.

But I think it's a heavenly body!

Slows during a night and speeds up at sunlight.

Songs dance in an art beat.

Tunes sing in them too.

New ones always come up and then down like a sun!

The art beat is beautiful but sometimes can be ugly.

God has healthy art beats and they are the essence of life.

Like a star's light they burn out.

Only to be born again in a different way.

Painting's thoughts have art beats.

Art beats belong to the painted thoughts.

Andrea has an awesome heart beat. 

I love it so much!

It has a touch.

I can hear the mystic beat.

By Jonathan Billet 

God Is Dead

“God Is Dead”

Grey clouds were soaked with wet moisture.

I heard a burst and felt warm water covering my face.

A sunshine wearily broke through the sky.

My father’s death seems incomprehensible.

My senses are dulled by the thunderclap’s wet tears.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Darkness To Dawn

 "Darkness To Dawn"

I'm done 

for the night.

I've run out 

of thoughts.

There is no time 

for me.

Plenty for you.

My true, blue, 

lovely love.

You ring my bells 

with your spells.

Tell all the 

hell from your 

magic spell.

Love and

dedicated to

Andrea from


Fluffy Are The Puffy Clouds

“Fluffy Are The Puffy Clouds”

The Puffy, fluffy clouds are pink with powder.

Like the Carnation’s Milk.

Evaporated Instant Carnation Milk.

Cow’s milky substance.

My lover feeds to me.

Meant for her pet baby.

Thanks for the movie’s milk bar.

See far to a dull, glimmering, purple's star.

As I drive in my car.

Love your milk.

By Jon Billet – 04.18..14...       

Delicious Apples

                               "Delicious Apples"                 

Japanese apples are the most delicious.

I love their curved spines.

They are excellent out of their sack.

Rack them and stack them.

I buy the three pack.

But I want my poetry back.

It is blue and black.

Just like my sack.

Dedicated To Dudette's Bicycle - Jon Billet Friday Night       

The Craze Of Haze

                  "The Craze Of Haze"

Is this the sickly mouse club?

Or the sticky clown's rub?

Rub a dub, three men in a pub.

A man and a woman in a tub.

Searching for something called love.

Using Dove soap.

They hope they can stay clean.

This poem isn't what it seems.

I got busted for tumbling in a washing machine.

With England's Queen.

The dean threw me out of college of knowledge.

Just a foe of the human scheme.

But the humans are mean.

Just an animal on the team.

Play ice-hockey.

They call me Rocky.

Sock it to me.

What is to be we can't really even see.

I'm high on Lipton's iced Green Tea.

Is fate to be or not to be?

The sex is three times three for free.

God's a Deity.

Male or female?

I want to set sail.

For a distant shore.

Please God give me more.

Plenty in store.

Life is an open door.

What is it for?

To be happy I guess.

Can't clean up this mess.

Love you anyways.

For all days.

I'm a part of a craze.

In a foggy haze.

Part of the crazy haze.

By Jonathan Billet - - - 04-18-2014

We Were There

"We Were There"

Big mouths have small minds!!!...

Or is it small minds have no hearts?

To see for 0 dollars and free cents!

Did you hear they closed down the doors
to the motion picture theaters!

Right next to the train station.

Love You - Jon



I overdosed on popcorn.

Hyperventilated on caffeinated coffee.

To be not or not to be.

Just The Sea Of Tranquility.

The Regina Music Box plays Elvis.

Did the Music Box have its say?

Do they?

“April Showers Bring Spinning Flowers."

The flour's in the sack!

So, bring it all back.

To stay.

Until May.

By the blue’s bay.

Start a new day.

By Jonathan Billet – 04.14.14.       

A Ubiquitous Life

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "A Ubiquitous Life"                  

Lovely Lois Lucinda was a million miles away from home.

That's where she should have been if she could have been.

Turned the other eye and saw Jay Walker crossing the street.

Fellow travelers.

Walking talkers.

It was love at the first night.

They got married within a month.

Lovers' mimes.

Full of life's rhymes.

They rode a roadster to Rio.

Lived in the coconut trees with the birds and the bees.

Dug for clams in the sands.

Atheists' party enthusiasts.

To be by the sea in tranquility.

Always a possibility.

People stranger than their imaginations.

They are strangers to unknown language spoken by immigrants.

Afraid of strangers like themselves

Petrified in the unknown.

Nothing is seeing that isn't already shown.

Stranger than the mentally ill.

They are mentally ill.

Confused like they've had their shoelaces thrown out.

An enlightened few don't even wear laces on their footwear.

Commuters always use the "T" word for trains.

The world has been trained to derail.

Show me a person and there's a stereotype for him.

An image and I'll give you a mind.

Give me a taste and I'll give you a food.

Let out a tune and I'll give you a song.

Throw me a match and I'll light a candle.

I know nothing but what I think I know.

Sometimes I even think I can see air.

But I'm really blind.

Can't see what isn't really there but appears to be.

I can't see anything out there.

By Jonathan Billet 04/16/14       

Monday, April 14, 2014



My best laid plans. 

Laid to waste. 

The hobgoblins of suspicious minds.

They'll come and get me.

How did we get to this place in inner space?

We ran the race standing in place.

Your face was displaced by by a current pace in outer space.

Tortured tantrum.

Mantra's tantra.

All is lost.

Missing and never found.

Bound by my head and hands.

Ears and eyes.

Nose and toes.

Hips and thighs.

Said my goodbyes. 

In my dreams.

Streams of subconscious.

I have one minute until my mind explodes.

Thought I kept from the world.

Symptom or solution?

Ending in a river's revolution.

Mind pollution.

On my way to another institution.

- 04/14/14 By Jon Billet & Nick Nack Productions       

Monopoly Money

“Monopoly Money”

I came into some money.

Thrown into shock.

Went to the pub on frugal MacDougal in Greenwich Village.

Walking backward and upside down I’m so happy.

Eating vanilla ice creams and sipping red wine through a straw.

Will more come my way?

Hard to say on this great day.

Is this a monopoly’s game bank error?

Or have I struck out?

Is this a permanent condition?

Or monopoly’s tradition?

Am I the thimble or the horse?

What's the source?

Par of course!

Is this a worldwide divorce?

Whole in one.

Jonathan Billet -04.13..14...       

My Inspirations

"My Inspirations"

My father opened the door of inspiration for me.

On a gray May Saturday.

Piled high up to my sky.

He will write when the thoughts come.

Mornings, afternoons, or nights.

It's always an emergency to be.

There's no warning when it will come.

Some is the many.

And they come plenty.

Up and down, down and up they bounce in my mind.

It's signed from number seven heaven.

Or do these thoughts derive from purgatory?

They are usually hot enough to do so.

Sometimes people think they are colder than down there in hell.

Pray tell.

Do so please.

With all your ease.

The time seize.

Blowing away today and tomorrow.

No sorrow there or here.

Yesterday was inspired as is today and tomorrow will be!

Love these slow days rushing by.

By Jonathan Billet 04/12/14        

Problem Solving

                                                       "Problem Solving"

What's the problem?
The problem is the solution.
The world's woes could be solved.
But that won't happpen because it wouldn't be cost effective.
The governments of the world share duplcity in this scheme.
It's a plan, to put it mildly, to keep things costing money until the end of times.
Somebody has to stay rich.
Always the emerging powers keeping the rest of the world in chains.
Even when there is a little hope, it always gets crushed by the powerful.
Money doesn't control everything.
But the power behind it does.
There must be rich and poor, sick and well, lost and found.
Born and killed.
We know who's at fault.
Screw the world and keep it screwed.
There's profit to be made.
Please do your best to change this farce.

By Jonathan Billet - 04.08.14.

Razzle Dazzle

                                   "Razzle Dazzle"

You dazzle me until I'm razzled.
Razzle dazzle.
Ready, done, and dying to be in your arms.
Razzle dazzle me with all your charms.
You blow my hot fuse with the tricks you use.
What you do is top news.
So why you give me the blues?
I pay my dues!
I wish I could comfort you with the soul.
Then, and only then we could live as two.
My right footed shoe and your left too.
Sue, you mean more to me than I do.
I love only you!
Time becomes real and true when I'm with you.
Something as rare as you is something new.
I am you.
Love me.
I love you.
Our words whisper, whistling a lovely tune to the distant moon.
Make love to you soon.

By Jonathan Billet

The Chosen Knew

"The Chosen Knew"

We are all the chosen doughnuts.

Dipped my head in salty water's hair.

It was salty hair.

Better than saltwater taffy's air.

Being bald, and not circumcised I wailed and cried. 

Subscribed to The Jewish Worker.

I was hypnotized until lobotomized.

Lobotomized until ostracized.

I'm dropping my stick-

Mr. Tricky Dick Rick!

By Mr. Ed alias Dr. Elmer Fudd M.D.
or Jonathan Billet

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sweeping A Broom

                                                                "Sweeping A Broom"

Working in my room.
Sweeping a broom.
Living in a dream.
Reality doesn't seem like a steal.
Like the real deal.
My head's in a cloud.
I'm dead in that cloud.
Hope it don't thunder to loud.
Life is to sad to be proud.
It's lightning out and I'm thirty thousand miles high.
Cry as I fly upstairs.
Waiting for my shares.
I'm drinking passion tea that tastes fine to me.
The stewardess in the sky gave it to me for free.
She's an angel who flies by in my dreams.
Tea isn't for free  unlike my poetry is to me.
Keep your tears dry, when you float by, in a rainy, wet, sky.

By Captain Moonlight alias Jon Billet.  For April's Fools - 2014.