Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Ubiquitous Life

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "A Ubiquitous Life"                  

Lovely Lois Lucinda was a million miles away from home.

That's where she should have been if she could have been.

Turned the other eye and saw Jay Walker crossing the street.

Fellow travelers.

Walking talkers.

It was love at the first night.

They got married within a month.

Lovers' mimes.

Full of life's rhymes.

They rode a roadster to Rio.

Lived in the coconut trees with the birds and the bees.

Dug for clams in the sands.

Atheists' party enthusiasts.

To be by the sea in tranquility.

Always a possibility.

People stranger than their imaginations.

They are strangers to unknown language spoken by immigrants.

Afraid of strangers like themselves

Petrified in the unknown.

Nothing is seeing that isn't already shown.

Stranger than the mentally ill.

They are mentally ill.

Confused like they've had their shoelaces thrown out.

An enlightened few don't even wear laces on their footwear.

Commuters always use the "T" word for trains.

The world has been trained to derail.

Show me a person and there's a stereotype for him.

An image and I'll give you a mind.

Give me a taste and I'll give you a food.

Let out a tune and I'll give you a song.

Throw me a match and I'll light a candle.

I know nothing but what I think I know.

Sometimes I even think I can see air.

But I'm really blind.

Can't see what isn't really there but appears to be.

I can't see anything out there.

By Jonathan Billet 04/16/14       

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