Friday, August 28, 2015

Jelly Belly

                        "Jelly Belly"

"You can't judge a book by its cover."    

Can't judge a bellybutton by the person.

If it's an innie or an outie.

Judge no person by the color of their underwear.

Rather, judge them by what color it was when they were a child.

The judges judge on what they think the letter of the law is.

What do all those different letters spell?

Choose your alphabet soup for the decision.

That may cause division.

The rich get richer, the poor poorer, and the middle get squeezed.

This is the politician's concern.

Watch as they slowly start to burn.

Bury their ashes in a porcelain urn.

If you feel something biting you it may be the bullet in the a** received by Gumpy.

Given to him with a silver star.

Hop inside my jar.

We will fly to the moon on my golden tricycle's balloon.

By Jon Billet

To: A. Dudette-08/26/2015

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