Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mellow Jello

"Mellow Jello"

If I dreamt Saturday was Sunday and only Wednesday and Friday knew for sure.
If blue thought pink was mellow, would this be bullying?
What does green do?
What do the other colors think?
What would they think if they were you?
If we are all invisible in the eyes of God?
If it rained and snowed in different colors?
If a store has a back door.
Does it's ceilings have doors too?
Do the walls have doors coming out of them?
Do the floors have doors?
Is there a place where a run-on street never ends?
Graffiti-covered sidewalks with different colored artwork painted on them.
A town with many colored buildings from green to blue.
Do people wear their pants inside-out?
Shirts for pants?
Pants for shirts?
Bras around their necks?
Underwear worn on heads.
Mouthwash for hair tonic's growth?
Shaving cream as toothpaste?
Toothpaste as shaving cream?
Birds that buzz and bees that sing?
Cars yelling and people honking at each other.
If the paintings in the museums were facing the walls?
If you had to sit upside down on seats?
Eat from the table sideways?
If you sat on your head and walked on your hands?
If your shoe heals were made of lead?
If the world was made out of lead?
If you breathed in air and ate from dirt.
If mice were orange, yellow, pink and blue.
If your eyes were orange, purple, black, or grey?
Silver or gold?
If we woke up at night and went to bed during the day?
If butterflies ran on mood power and were starlit?
If coffee beans were white?
If piss turned into water and water turned into wine.

Jonathan Billet

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