"Long Before Leaving"
Arrived at the station long before leaving for it....
Got caught in two places at once.
I went up and down the railway station after having my libation.
My disease matactecised and created tears in my lover's dried eyes.
It turned from a microscopic growth into a pandemic.
With no end in sight.
It had no light from which to hide.
The rest of the world took no sides, it never confides.
Start to finish and finish to end.
A message, it did send.
I wear glasses to see people as I want them to be.
Not as they are.
The women look like doves and men are sight's soaring eagles.
The cars never stop running, just like the clocks universe.
They all travel at different speeds.
A tree's leaves changes colors, like the camouflaged animals of the earth can.
In the beginning the earth was silent, and in the future will change back to silence again.
Like the trees' leaves or a camouflaged creature.
By Jonathan Billet- 06-24-15
I like the part about the glasses to see people as you want them to be, not as they really are.