Saturday, June 27, 2015

Moment's Sounds

"Moment's Sounds"

A magic moment is a movement.

If you have a moment's movement there must be sound.

I've heard it before in my lifetimes' dreams.

Like television's screwed screen's lines I've seen after sex.

I can't think with her kisses and body movements.

She and I become as one.

Although, there were too few of us.

Not the amount I was promised due.

I am just like your imagination's view.

Et tu?

Who are you?

Where do you come from?

A hot flaming star's bright sun?

You are the one who is my fun!!!...

A star may weigh a ton but your love weighs none.

Your stars are lighter than feathers floating in space.

Your body is as rhythmic as your face.

I am slow to race with your heart beat's rapid pace.

Like your deck's golden ace.

Right by my side's place.

You are the sweetest dove.

To all the women whom I love.

By Jonathan Billet <>

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