Monday, May 27, 2013

A Catchy Rhyme

"A Catchy Rhyme"

Electric vacuum cleaners eat floors and close doors.
In San Francisco, when it rains, it pours.
The city's people can hear the distant ocean roars from foreign shores.
The old man in the sea lets out snores.
Cats and dogs walk on all fours.
Loud mouths are really bores.
Rock groups go on tours.
It's darker than night.
A singer is singing without their sight.
Is this a heartless bird's flight?
Perhaps a golden moonlight.
It doesn't see in colors like all the others.
A silver penny, a copper dime.
Does the world have a beat?
A catchy rhyme?
Was that a mime?
Something divine?
Mirth on earth!
Peace on Saturn.
Goodwill to Saturations!
A day's libations.
Peace to all nations.

By Jonathan Billet 05/28/13

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