Thursday, September 13, 2012

John Dory

"John Dory"

I'm well protected by my socks and not connected at all to the ground by my feet.

Just hanging on with my fingers.

I hear a mound of sound on the beach as the ocean roars.

Rocks jut out against the ocean waves.

Life, like the sea, saves, but also takes away.

If you die, your soul turns into the stars in the Milky Way.

Like a beautifully tragic play.

Life is here to stay until the end of another today.

I see you have forgotten your way.

Who and what you are is forgotten by your dreams.

So don't forget what you say.

Words can be recycled, so can thoughts.

People really can't be, but parts of them can.

Not exactly as they were.

Nothing seems to be what it was.

Remember to recycle all the garbage.

The future brings death but also new life.

New ideas and thoughts too.

The future reads the past but can't duplicate it exactly.

It's like red sneakers, blue jeans, white socks and t-shirt.

I seem to have forgotten your name.

Did you say you were the fishy John Dory who believes in "Peace On Mars And Good Will To Martian-kind?"

"Peace On Venus And Good Will to Venetians and to you too, John Dory."
You, John Dory are a color of a different stripe.

Like a pair of sneakers on the same person with 2 distinctly different colors on each foot that they wear.

Each a color onto them, like blue and green matching
socks of purple and orange.

By Jonathan Billet

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