Monday, October 8, 2012

Turn Off #1

"Turn Off #1"

You deal with everybody's career but your own.

You make them and break them.

All, except yours.

You don't have one.

You handle everyone.

But never allow yourself to be touched.

You deal with other people's money and careers.

Their fates and destinies.

You have no fate or destiny.

You're secure for the rest of your clients' lives.

You have no space for true love in your life.

Go live in your vacuum.

You deal with everybody else's life.

Because you can't deal with your own.

You have no life to speak of.

Other people's lives belong to you.

You own everything but anything.

All things yet nothing.

You wear everybody's clothes and think all thoughts.

Except your own.

You take pride in your secret life of manipulative annihilation.

You sit in a chair and breathe empty air.

You take up empty air in the universe's space.

You don't even belong in a place in outer space.

I don't like your face.

The world runs at a pace that is there for your grace.

You think you own the human race.

But you have no place.

Billet's On A Distant Relative. 10/07/12

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