Friday, May 13, 2011

Frozen August

Gangsters always ask their wives, "Is it true that we are all dead guys with beady eyes?"
Junkies ask their sons if their noses really run.
Lover's thighs are as hot as summers' July's.
There will be a full moon in the afternoon next June.
Soon someone will discover a new Beedle's old tune.
A balloon's package full of light, fragile, air should be handled with loving care.
Its delivery will be a mystery in the theory of her story's history.
Drunks and lawyers pass their bars with glamorous movie stars while dead men play on their sitars.
I, for one, would like to play for fun, underneath a starry sun.
All of us like to bawl all ya all.
Dough rises, as do prices, and pregnant women's belly buttons.
What goes up - must come down - except the stock market and mother's stomach.
That is until they are ready to deliver their dividends.
I roll on the floor quoting stock prices and watching palpitations.
In the meanwhile there are just expansions and contractions until delivery of this heady's heavy surprise.
Yes - the world in it's miraculous sunrise.
Be Wise - You Nice Guys!
Jonathan Billet On Muerte De Mayo - 05/10/54 Date Of Birth

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