Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hot Toddy

"Hot Toddy"

Many sizes, colors, and shapes of hats off to Hot Toddy.

My buddy Todd is a hot wire.

Electricity comes out of his talented art.

It is cathartic and causes the world a shock.

Making it go into convulsions of emotions.

He's an excellent mimic in the many actors' voices he throws out.

Never know whose voice he will throw next.

It's a complex mystery in a magical song only he knows how to sing.

In tones never heard before which are in his artwork.

His drawing with crayons hangs in a frame on my wall.

It should be hanging in a museum's hall.

His imitations stand tall and are not at all small.

He, like his mannerisms, plays tricks on my mind.

Magician that he will always be, with his talented ways.

His art piece's talent on my wall deserves accolades.

Made from gifted hands of the mind's heart art in the supernatural.

He works at his craft and serves people their favorite demands.

On his magic's commands.

There is no tough path hard enough for him to travel.

An amazing man of whom I will always be a fan.

To Hot Toddy From Jon Billet

Compilated on 03-06-2015       

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