Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Prayer For Yitzhak

"A Prayer For Yitzhak"

The thoughts grow like flowers and flow like rivers and oceans.

Flour Power!

God painted the sky blue and clouds white.

Colors come in flavors like the pallet of God's rainbowed spectrum.

God painted the world with his senses.

God painted humans and animals quite colorfully and uniquely different from one another.

God paints the painters who paint pictures.

Some of God's artwork includes buildings, streets, and nature scenes.

God created everything no matter how big or small.

No two thoughts are exactly alike to God.

All different points of view.

Problems cause solutions and solutions cause problems.

Some plans don't have any other’s plenty.

How much did you get?

Plenty, I'll bet.

Life is to cherish like the prayers God pours in your morning cup of coffee.

God is to love as love is to God.

Love is alive.

So make it!

Emotions make love and hate.

God understands this.

Love's ugly beautiful and beautifully ugly.

The universe took trillions of years to create, which took God 5 minutes.

It's sooner than you think!

God's waiting for you to catch up.

You can do it!

J. Billet's

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