Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday The 33rd - Wizard Of Lox - Jonnie Billet's - The Lion's Hexagram In A Circus

"Friday The 33rd - Wizard Of Lox - Jonnie Billet's -
The Lion's Hexagram In A Circus"

The therapist, not the patient, is always right.  After all, they know what they're talking about.  Yesterday was planned obsolescence, and so is today in the realm of the hexagram.  If I destroy yesterday, will today return?  Will tomorrow arrive on time?  Is there a countdown to today?  How well did Wednesday know time?  My dead mother?  My grandpa?  My great Grandma Moses?  Does God teach the days of the week prayers?  The seasons time?  It must be taught by us and passed on to future generations!  Does a sheet know a bed?  A sock a foot?  A foot a yard?  A dog a scent?  A cent a dollar?  Does a dollar know finance?  A bank?  Does a switch know a light?  Tape a voice?  Voice a radio?  A T.V.?  A movie?  A person?  Do people know a voice unspoken?  I say yes!  Does a day know when it is being crossed out or just called its name?  H2O?  O?  Fe?  A cry a laugh?  A laugh a cry?  Do we know when we are being sold short?  Long?  Bought?  Borrowed?  Stolen?  Can you tell me, is life gas, liquid, or solid?  Does a frog eat a firefly?  A firefly light up?  Do we light up?  Do Christmas trees light up?  Is money stolen like time is stolen?  Is time robbed like a bank?  With guns and banditos?  Does time mind a watch or does a watch mind time?  Do we move mountains or do mountains move us?  Does water occupy empty space or does empty space occupy water?  Do we occupy the land or does the land occupy us?  Ziccotti Park?  N.Y.C.?  Does New York occupy Ziccotti Park?  Do Keys unlock doors or do doors unlock keys?  Does The Pope live in The Politburo?  Do we murder people or do people murder us?  Weak defense?  Strong offense?  Defensive tackle for The Denver Brocos?  N.Y Nets?  Washington Post?  N.Y. Times?  Huffington Post?  Does time skip a beat or does a beat skip a time?  Is time beat?  Beatniks?  Do we sing in rhyme or does rhyme sing in us?  Time in rhyme or rhyme in time?  Time does rhyme (see my poem Rhyme Time!)  Do you get atomic bellyaches?  On a scale of 1 to 10 - What's your atomic number?  Do you suck on a straw or does a straw suck on you?  Millions of questions and no answers.  I answer and no one questions?  Does a wheel turn or does a turn in a deal with a wheel?  Is a piano a piece of furniture?  A guitar?  Is a desk a musical instrument?  A chair?  A bed?  Yes?!!!?i?  Is a cup of coffee a cup or coffee a cup?  Cup of Jo?  Say yes and I'll say no.  I live in a cave with paintings underground in my crash pad in the Village.  What about u?  See u soon I hope.  Don't smoke dope.  Only dead Pope's Smoke in the Vatican chimney.  Geeks reek like perfume.

J. Billet's 02/09/12

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