Monday, February 27, 2012

Send My Regards To Broadway

"Send My Regards To Broadway"

The very first thing I'd like to send you is my regards.  The rest will come in good time.  I'll be glad to tell you a story.  The meeting with the rabbi was cancelled because I told him, like all the other religious and ethnic groups, the Jews had their Hitlers who murdered people.  One person's death is just as valid as ten people's deaths in God's I's.  But the guilty are not cognizant of who they are or who really does their dirty work for them.  I was listening to news reports about how we are going to bomb Iran in the spring's time.  This is like when we were planning to attack Iraq, which is a country we thought we knew about, but didn't know anything about the people.  After all, all them all are just like us.  One of the Senators was against going into Iraq and getting caught there, like Obama caught us up and double-crossed the dying Senator on the health bill along with it.  Whose health plan?  Obama casually walked by filled with pharmaceuticals in his back pockets.  Breaks for the conglomerates on Wall Street.  It's the economy, stupid! Were we better off four years ago stupid!  Who the hell knows or cares. Not big business or labor, they're doing quite well.  You say - You pay - If you play.  Go ask a socialist commie who was a Jew named Trotsky.  Look at what his comrades did to him!  I kept hearing this news on the radio about a pre-eminent strike that will be taking place in the nick of time.  I SAY ATTACK HEART!!!!!!!

J. Billet

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