Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ace's Axes

"Ace's Axes"

I'm sweating in my apartment's summer 5:00 morning - hot heat.

The sun bakes the street and vapors of condensation rise from the moving air's slow twisted motion.

The animals come out of the hell's sewers to the cooler space's place outdoors.

Some hunters using butterfly nets try to capture new ideas - undiscovered - only to get the insignificant already used ones.

They are no good.

They've already been used and using them again could be done but that's not original!

Maybe if it was a secret's accident.

But a creation never repeats exactly on purpose so we suppose it's O.K.

That's a thought I'm sure has been captured and will be again.

Why try?

But Leonardo thought it was possible to fly.

The Vatican has just declared it's O.K. for the world to be round.

A Spinning Circle?


A thing worth starving and dying for?

Possibly Preaches Pappy.

Grandpa Munster always smoking his cigar.

"Throw the Cookies in the Cookie Jar!"

Exclaims the Clown of the Town.

"It Might Work!"

But Does It Ever?!?!?!!!!

I Am The Village Punk - Always In A Funk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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