Monday, August 6, 2012

Shaloma Aroma

"Shaloma Aroma"
Aroma Shaloma!  The atmosphere is light and beautiful.  A chai latte beans' delight.  The attitude toward customers is quite right even at the end of the day's long night.  To me it speaks and is a vigorous sight for the day's new face's fight in flight. Despite its motion's moving moments which is never uptight.  Always looking up towards the heavens in its perfect high.  Dave just gives a sigh and starts to cry to the caffeinated God above.  Starbucks coffee can't compare to Aroma's aroma of roasted beans. The Starbuck's cow gives juice instead of Aroma's exotic coffees and delightful teas.  The Aroma's honey that's worth more than real millions in money. Feasts of toasted bagels, bialys, muffins, peanut buttered jellied rolls, with real butter. Strawberry, bonita, poquita, chiquita, havanna, banana and dozens more tasty treats which knock the customers out of their seats and onto the floor before they fly out the door.  As the regulars know, it's one hell of a store.  John is there every morning, busily preparing breakfast and having amiable chats with the morning crowds and laughing with the pets and children.  I idolize his secret recipe's special rapport with all of them.  The mean green organic caffeine I drink at Aroma's Coffee Roast drowns my stomach in a sea of deliciously natural flavored tea.  I'll see you there tomorrow morning as the Roosters crow.
J. Billet

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