Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Puked In My Pants

"Puked In My Pants"

Shut the hell up already.

My head's exploding.

The CT scan clanging is toying with my brain.

The smoke detector is going off.

My alarm clock is too.

So is the 5th period bell for math class.

I'm late.

Music is blaring from a car.

And a window has just been broken.

Outside my window I can hear a car alarm beeping.

I listen to the phone ringing in my television.

Walking out my door, my phone is ringing.

Opening the door only to discover it was the neighbor's phone.

A store alarm sounds and won't shut off.

Two customers are getting in a yelling match at a crowded bar.

Fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars are blaring different sounds.

Church bells are ringing, the railroad speeds by on the tracks.

A distant ship is blowing its horn and so are the cars.

Fourth of July fireworks blow up.

So do the planes that hit the twin towers.

I can still hear and see different explosions on the t.v. news.

The newspapers are full of front pages of blood and gore.

A derailed gas leak explosion.

Motorcycles revving up their engines outside my window.

A junkie has just died and a crying baby is born in Africa.

Bells are going off in my computer.

A neurosurgeon has just cut into a brain.

Someone is throwing their guts up after chemotherapy.

A child has been beheaded on N.P.R.

The dog with the annoying howl won't stop barking.

It's tied up right now.

Like the telephone line I'm trying to get through.

A repeating message is all I can hear on my end.

Noise pollution.

Will it ever shut the hell up?

In My next dream? 

By Jonathan Billet 03.23.14       

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